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                                                                   Chapter 10: Benign disorders of the breast 413

                  fromasinglecellandareundernormalhormonalcontrol  excision. Larger lesions and those with equivocal his-
                  theyarebestconsideredasanaberrationofnormalbreast  tology should be excised.
                  development (ANDI).

                  Incidence                                     Untreated only 10% of fibroademonas increase in size
                  Most common cause of a discrete breast lump in young  over a 2-year period most of which occur in teenage
                  women.                                        women. It is thought that most fibroadenomas involute
                                                                if left untreated.
                  Peak 25–35 years, but can occur any time from menarche
                                                                Breast cysts
                  to menopause.
                  Pathophysiology                               Acommon fluid filled epithelial lined space in the breast
                  Fibroadenomas are usually solitary lesions that result  presenting as a mass.
                  minal ductal unit. Fibroadenomas are under hormonal
                                                                Palpable cysts occur in 7% of women in Western coun-
                  at menopause.
                                                                tries and account for 15% ofall discrete breast masses.
                  Clinical features
                  Patients (normally young women) present with a
                                                                Breast cysts are a very common finding in the years lead-
                  smooth, firm, painless nodule that is well-demarcated
                                                                ing up to the menopause and are thought to arise due to
                  and freely mobile (breast mouse). Fibroadenomas may
                                                                an anomaly of breast involution.
                  be multiple in 10–15%.
                    Juvenile fibroadenoma is a rare subtype that occurs in
                  femaleadolescentsandgrowsrapidly.Histologicallythey  Clinical features
                  resemble common fibroadenomas and are benign. How-  Patients present with a solitary or multiple lump(s).
                  ever, local recurrence can only be prevented by complete  These are typically well-demarcated, soft or firm and
                  excision.                                     not fixed to underlying tissue. There should not be any
                                                                associated lymphadenopathy.
                  An encapsulated rubbery white lesion with a glisten-  Investigations
                  ing cut surface. It consists of a fibrous connective tissue  Patients require a triple assessment consisting of clinical
                  component and abnormally proliferated ducts and acini  examination (see page 409), imaging using ultrasound
                  (adenoma) in varying proportions.             or mammography (see page 412) and in the case of a cyst
                                                                fine needle aspiration (see page 412).
                  Investigation of any breast lump involves a triple assess-  Management
                  ment consisting of clinical examination (see page 409),  Patients with a single cyst do not need to be reviewed fol-
                  imaging normally by ultrasound as patients are young  lowing an otherwise normal ultrasound and successful
                  and sampling by core biopsy or fine needle aspiration  fineneedleaspiration.Patientswithmultiplecystsdonot
                  (see page 412).                               needalltheircystsaspiratedandthereforeshouldremain
                                                                under regular review. Indications for surgical biopsy in-
                  Management                                    clude bloody fluid detected on fine needle aspiration,
                  If confirmed as a fibroadenoma on triple assessment,  aresidual mass following aspiration, or multiple recur-
                  small lesions may be left unless the patient requests  rence at the same site.
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