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                   416 Chapter 10: Breast disorders

                     History of previous breast disease especially atypical  for other reasons (e.g. fibrocystic change). Lobular

                     hyperplasia.                                   carcinoma in situ is thought to represent a non-
                     Current evidence indicates a slightly increased risk  obligate precursor of invasive carcinoma, which

                     fromtheoralcontraceptivepillfrom2/1000to3/1000.  may occur at sites other than that of the original
                     Hormone replacement therapy postmenopause in-  biopsy. Management is by close surveillance.

                     creases risk.                              2 Once cells invade the basement membrane, they
                     Dietary factors (obesity and high alcohol intake) have  spread locally and may metastasise and are said to be

                     been implicated.                             ‘infiltrating’ or invasive carcinoma of the breast:
                     Genetic: Two genes have been identified, autosomal  Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common pri-

                     dominant with variable penetrance:             mary malignant tumour (approximately 80%).
                     1 BRCA-1 on the long arm of chromosome 17 ac-     Invasive lobular breast cancer accounts for approx-
                      counts for <5% of cases of breast cancer, but pos-  imately 10%.
                      sessing the gene gives an 80% lifetime risk of de-     Lobular carcinoma is not a feature in males.
                      veloping breast cancer and increased risk of ovarian
                     2 BRCA-2 on chromosome 13 is less common. There  Clinical features
                                                                The woman (or rarely, a man) usually presents with a
                      is increased breast and prostate cancer in the family.
                                                                painless lump in the breast or after routine mammo-
                      This gene is particularly associated with male breast
                                                                quadrant of the breast. Occasionally the lump aches or
                     3 Mutations in the p53 tumour suppressor gene are
                                                                has an unpleasant prickling sensation. Signs of malig-
                      also associated with an increased risk of developing
                                                                nancy on examination include the following:
                      breast cancer.
                                                                  Afirm non-tender irregular lump with ill-defined

                                                                  edges, which is tethered or fixed to skin or underlying
                   Most tumours of the breast are adenocarcinomas,
                                                                    Palpable lymph nodes in the axilla, hard in texture,
                   which develop from the epithelial cells of the terminal
                                                                  which may be discrete or matted together or to over-
                   duct/lobular unit. They may either take a lobular or duc-
                                                                  lying skin or subcutaneous tissue.
                   tal histological appearance on the basis of cell differen-
                                                                    Armoedema is a late sign, because of involvement of
                   tiation and architecture. Lobular and ductal carcinoma
                                                                  axillary lymph nodes.
                   behave differently in terms of spread.
                                                                    Skin changes suggestive of malignancy are given in
                   1 If the atypical cells have not penetrated the basement
                                                                  Table 10.1.
                     membrane, it is termed carcinoma in situ. These tu-
                                                                Some patients present with metastatic disease and a hid-
                     mours form approximately 20% of carcinomas of the
                                                                den primary. Back pain due to vertebral collapse, short-
                                                                ness of breath or pleuritic chest pain due to spread to the
                       Ductal carcinoma in situ is now classified ac-

                                                                lungs and jaundice due to liver involvement are signs of
                       cording to histological characteristics (including
                                                                disseminated disease. Weight loss and malaise are also
                       nuclear grade and the presence or absence of necro-
                                                                late symptoms.
                       sis), which helps to predict the potential of the le-
                       sion to recur within the breast or to progress to
                       invasive breast cancer. This grading helps to guide  Macroscopy/microscopy
                       management allowing conservative surgery with or  The macroscopy of invasive tumours is largely deter-
                       without radiotherapy, whereas previously all pa-  mined by the stromal reaction around the cells. Most
                       tients underwent mastectomy.             tumours excite a lot of reaction forming gritty nodules.
                       Lobular carcinoma in situ is not palpable and has  If they excite little reaction, they are soft and fleshy.

                       no characteristic findings on mammography. It is     Invasive ductal carcinoma: The majority of these
                       identified as a coexistent finding during micro-  have no special histological features, reflecting
                       scopic examination of breast tissue samples taken  their lack of differentiation. Approximately 50% of
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