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                                                                        Chapter 10: Breast cancer screening 419

                  the lesion prior to surgery. The lump can then be iden-  effect of screening on mortality, but as the range of mor-
                  tified and either undergo excision biopsy or wide local  talityratesexceedthereductionofmortalitybyscreening
                  excision with the removal of a margin of surrounding  it is difficult to demonstrate a statistical benefit. Overall
                  normal tissue. If the histology demonstrates malignancy  it appears that one woman in every 1000 who under-
                  further treatments for breast cancer may be required (see  goes breast screening may be prevented from dying from
                  page 417).                                    breast cancer. This must be balanced against false pos-
                    The evidence of the breast cancer screening pro-  itive screening results and unnecessary biopsies, which
                  gramme is difficult to assess. Trials have investigated the  are the cause of significant patient morbidity.
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