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                                                                    Chapter 11: Dopamine and prolactin axis 423

                  Table 11.2 Causes of hypopituitarism           secondary sexual characteristics and prevent osteo-
                                                                 porosis. Progestagen is used to induce bleeding and
                  Type       Causes
                                                                 prevent endometrial hyperplasia. In men testosterone
                  Invasive   Large pituitary adenoma             replacement restores libido and potency, maintains
                             Craniopharyngioma or primary CNS tumour  beard growth and muscle power, prevents osteo-
                             Metastasic tumour (esp. breast)
                  Infarction  Postpartum necrosis (Sheehan’s syndrome)  porosis and improves sense of well-being. In ado-
                             Pituitary apoplexy (haemorrhagic infarction of  lescent males testosterone induces epiphyseal closure,
                              pituitary tumour)                  so replacement therapy should be delayed as long as
                  Infiltration  Sarcoidosis, haemochromatosis, histiocytosis X  possible. Treatment of associated infertility requires
                  Injury     Head trauma                         complex hormone replacement to stimulate ovula-
                  Immunologic  Organ-specific autoimmune disease
                  Iatrogenic  Surgery, irradiation               tion/spermatogenesis.
                  Infectious  Mycoses, TB, syphilis                Growth hormone deficiency is treated with recombi-
                  Idiopathic  Familial                           nant human growth hormone.
                    GH       Dwarfism, emotional deprivation
                    LH, FSH  Kallmann’s syndrome, weight loss, sickle
                              cell anaemia                       Dopamine and prolactin axis
                    TSH      Chronic renal failure,
                              pseudohypoparathyroidism          Dopamine from the hypothalamus acts to inhibit pro-
                    ACTH-LPH  Lymphocytic hypophysitis, familial  lactin secretion from the pituitary (see Fig. 11.3).
                    PRL      Pseudohypoparathyroidism
                                                                   If the hypothalamic pituitary connection is disrupted,
                                                                 e.g. by stalk section or hypothalamic lesions then pi-
                  Management                                     tuitary prolactin (PRL) secretion is uncontrolled.
                  Treatmentoftheunderlyingcausemayberequired.Hor-     PRL release is stimulated by drugs that block dopami-
                  mone replacement depends on the results of pituitary  ne receptors (e.g. metoclopramide) or cause a reduc-
                  function testing:                              tion in hypothalamic dopamine (e.g. methyldopa).
                    In ACTH deficiency, lifelong glucocorticoid replace-  Stress, sleep and nipple stimulation increase PRL.

                    ment is essential.                             Oestrogens during pregnancy increase PRL secretion
                    In TSHdeficiency, oral thyroxine is given and titrated  but also suppress milk production. As oestrogens fall

                    according to free T 4 .Thyroxine replacement may ag-  postpartum, milk production accelerates.
                    gravate any partial adrenal insufficiency, if present, by     AdministrationofdopamineorlevodopainhibitsPRL
                    increasing cortisol clearance.               release. Pituitary haemorrhage causing death of the
                    Gonadotrophin deficiency in women may be treated  lactotrophs results in failure of lactation (Sheehan’s

                    with cyclical oestrogen replacement to maintain  syndrome).

                  Table 11.3 Features of pituitary hormone deficiency in order of frequency
                  Hormone                         Clinical features
                  Growth hormone deficiency        Changes in body composition, osteopenia and insulin resistance
                                                  Reduced growth in childhood
                  Gonadotrophins (LH, FSH) deficiency  Amenorrhoea in women
                                                  Decreased libido, impotence in men
                  Thyroid stimulating hormone deficiency  Hypothyroidism
                  Adrenocorticotrophic hormone    Adrenocortical insufficiency, but less severe than primary adrenal failure. The zona
                    deficiency                      glomerulosa and aldosterone secretion usually remains relatively intact, so
                                                   Addisonian crisis is rare. Symptoms are more common at times of stress, such as
                                                  Reduced adrenal androgens causes loss of body hair
                  Prolactin deficiency             Failure to lactate after giving birth
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