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                   424 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                          Hypothalamus     Dopamine
                                                        Pregnancy, nipple stimulation,
                                                        seizures, oestrogen
                         Anterior Pituitary
                                                  PRL   +

                                     During pregnancy stimulates breast development
                                         Postpartum stimulates milk synthesis
                                                                               Figure 11.3 Factors affecting prolactin

                   Table 11.4 Factors affecting prolactin secretion  Aetiology
                                                                Prolactin (PRL) is under the inhibitory control of
                   Increased prolactin
                   (hyperprolactinaemia)      Decreased prolactin  dopamine released from the hypothalamus. Causes of
                                                                hyperprolactinaemia are shown in Fig. 11.4 and Ta-
                   PRL-secreting pituitary adenoma  Any cause of  ble 11.4.
                    (prolactinoma)              panhypopituitarism
                   Other pituitary tumours (reduces  (see page 422)
                    dopamine concentration)   Sheehan’s syndrome  Pathophysiology
                   Hypothalamus/pituitary stalk  Dopamine agonists  Hyperprolactinaemiacausesdisturbanceofthehypotha-
                    damage                      (bromocriptine/  lamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in both men and women,
                   Drugs: opioids, monoamine    cabergoline)    probably by a local hormonal interaction between pro-
                    oxidase inhibitors, cimetidine,
                    verapamil                                   lactin and hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hor-
                   Hypothyroidism (direct effect of             mone (GnRH) secretion.
                    raised TRH and TSH)                             Gonadotrophin (luteinising hormone and follicle
                   Renal failure                                  stimulating hormone (LH and FSH) secretion is ab-
                   Polycystic ovarian syndrome
                                                                  normal and the mid-cycle surge in LH in women is
                                                                  Hyperprolactinaemia in women is commonly physio-

                     Other factors affecting PRL secretion are shown in  logical, and in men it is almost always of pathological

                     Table 11.4.                                  significance.
                                                                Clinical features
                   Hyperprolactinaemia                          In women hyperprolactinaemia causes primary or sec-
                                                                ondary amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea with anovula-
                                                                tion or infertility. Galactorrhoea is variably present.
                   Hyperprolactinaemia is a raised serum prolactin level
                                                                Oestrogen deficiency can cause vaginal dryness and
                   causing galactorrhoea and gondadal dysfunction.
                                                                osteopenia. Hirsutism can occur, with weight gain and
                                                                anxiety depression and hot flushes. In men galactor-
                   Incidence                                    rhoea occurs occasionally, but the most common early
                   Most common endocrine abnormality of the hypothala-  features are decreased libido and sexual dysfunction,
                   mic–pituitary axis.                          sometimes with impotence and infertility.
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