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                   426 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                                                Many neural, metabolic
                                                 and hormonal factors  Islet cells of the pancreas, gastrointestinal
                                                                     mucosa and Parafollicular cells of the thyroid
                                                                     also secrete somatostatin

                               Hypothalamus     GHRH      Somatostatin

                                                       +         Inhibits many other hormones including TSH,
                              Anterior pituitary          GH     insulin, glucagon, gastrin, secretin and vasoactive
                                                                 intestinal peptide (VIP)

                                    GHrelin released from
                                 the fundus of the stomach
                                                          IGF-I (from liver)

                                                Acts on many different tissues, primarily promoting growth
                                                of bone and soft tissues by a variety of metabolic pathways

                                   Protein           Nuclear            Fat           Carbohydrate

                                                 ↑ mRNA transcription  ↑ mobilisation of fat  Alters carbohydrate
                                ↑ amino acid uptake
                                                   and translation   from stores       metabolism

                   Figure 11.5 The growth axis.

                   Table 11.5 Causes of growth hormone excess and deficiency  metabolic abnormalities may occur, due to the local
                                                                  mechanical effect of the adenoma on normal pituitary
                   Increase              Decrease
                   Sleep, exercise, stress
                   Hypoglycaemia         Postprandial hyperglycaemia/
                                           free fatty acids     Clinical features
                                         Glucocorticoids (hence short  The course of the disease is slowly progressive. Soft tissue
                                           stature in children on  overgrowth is the characteristic early feature, causing
                                           long-term oral steroids)
                   Acromegaly            Hypopituitarism        enlargement of hands and feet, coarse facial features.
                                                                    Face and skull: Thickened calvarium, prominent sup-
                   (GH secreting tumour)
                                                                  raorbital ridges, enlarged nose, prognathic mandible,
                                                                  widely spaced teeth and puffiness of the face due to
                   The combination of high levels of GH and IGF-I leads  soft tissue overgrowth.
                   to following:                                    Hands and feet are bulky, with blunt, spade-like fin-
                     Overgrowth of bone and soft tissue, particularly the  gers.

                     face and skull.                                Bonesandjoints:Arthralgiaanddegenerativearthritis
                     These hormones are lipolytic, diabetogenic and cause  of the spine, hips and knees due to bone and cartilage

                     sodium and water retention. Other endocrine and  overgrowth. Carpal tunnel syndrome is common.
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