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                   430 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                   patients are euthyroid with a goitre, occasionally one or  Aetiology/pathophysiology
                   more nodules develop, which are TSH-independent and  Solitary thyroid nodules are most commonly benign
                   so cause thyrotoxicosis.                     (over 90%). Causes include the following:
                                                                  Benign follicular adenoma: Single lesions with well-

                   Macroscopy/microscopy                          developed fibrous capsules. Adenomas are not under
                   The thyroid is enlarged with irregular nodules of vary-  the control of TSH and continue to secrete thyroid
                   ing sizes. Nodules may be cystic, haemorrhagic and fi-  hormones, which may result in hyperthyroidism.
                   brosed.Microscopyrevealshyperplasticacini,withvary-  There are low levels of circulating TSH and hence sup-
                   ing amounts of colloid.                        pression of the remainder of the thyroid gland.
                                                                  Colloid nodule that may be a dominant nodule in a

                                                                  multinodular goitre (see page 428).
                                                                    Malignant tumours of the thyroid follicle cells.
                   Enlargement of the gland can cause tracheal compres-
                                                                    Thyroid cyst (15–25%): These may be simple cysts
                   sion leading to shortness of breath and choking. This is
                                                                  or bleeding into a colloid nodule or adenoma. About
                   more common with retrosternal goitre, when the nod-
                                                                  15% are necrotic papillary tumours.
                   ule(s) are in the isthmus. Toxic multinodular goitre has
                   a particularly high incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and
                                                                Clinical features
                   other cardiac complications.
                                                                Patients may present with a palpable lump or may be
                                                                diagnosed on incidental imaging. Features suggestive of
                   Thyroid function tests (TSH and thyroid hormone lev-
                                                                    Rapid painless growth.
                   els) are used to assess thyroid status. A chest X-ray can
                                                                    Family history of thyroid tumours or MEN 2 syn-
                   demonstrate any retrosternal mass or tracheal devia-
                                                                  drome (see page 450).
                   tion. Ultrasound scanning of the thyroid may be useful
                                                                    History of neck irradiation exposure.
                   to examine the structure of the thyroid and nature of
                                                                    Hoarseness and vocal cord paralysis suggesting recur-
                   lesions. Isotope scans are used to demonstrate areas of
                                                                  rent laryngeal nerve palsy.
                                                                    Malignancy is more common in children and patients
                   nodules may be aspirated by fine needle aspiration for
                                                                  over 60 years.
                   Management                                       Thyroid function tests are used to determine thyroid
                   Subtotal thyroidectomy may be required for cosmetic
                                                                  status. Isotope scans may also be used to demon-
                   reasons or due to compression symptoms or thyrotoxi-
                                                                  strate either a cold nodule, a hyperactive gland (toxic
                   cosis. Patients must be medically treated and euthyroid
                                                                  multinodular goitre) or a ‘cold’ gland containing a
                   before surgery.
                                                                  ‘hot’ nodule (toxic adenoma). Cold nodules suggest
                   Solitary thyroid nodule                          Ultrasound scan may be used to determine the
                   Definition                                      nodules.
                   A solitary mass within the thyroid gland that may be     Fine needle aspiration for cytology is used to differen-
                   solid or cystic.                               tiate benign cells, suspicious cells or malignant cells.
                   Incidence                                    Management
                   5% of population have a palpable solitary thyroid nod-  Benign lesions only require treatment if they cause hy-
                   ule. Up to 50% of population have a solitary nodule at  perthyroidism or for cosmetic reasons. Treatment op-
                   postmortem.                                  tions include surgical excision and radioactive iodine.
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