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                                                                                 Chapter 11: Thyroid axis 427

                    Skin is thickened, oily and sweaty. Acne, sebaceous  Accompanying hypopituitarism is treated as appro-

                    cysts and skin tags are common. Acanthosis nigricans  priate with corticosteroids, thyroxine and gonadal
                    of the axillae and neck may occur. Hypertrichosis in  steroids or gonadotrophins.
                    Cardiovascular: Hypertension in 25% of patients,
                    and left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy  Follow-up is required for recurrence or loss of pituitary
                    leading to cardiac failure in about 15%.    function. Acromegaly causes increased morbidity and
                    Organomegaly: Thyroid and salivary gland enlarge-
                                                                mortality mainly due to diabetes and cardiovascular dis-
                    ment, hepatomegaly.                         ease.
                    Diabetes in 40% of patients.

                                                                 Thyroid axis
                  The tumour is solid and trabecular, often 1 cm in diame-
                  terby the time of diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry can  The thyroid axis
                  be used to stain for GH.
                                                                Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) is released
                                                                rhythm. It stimulates the production of thyroid stimu-
                    Renal calculi occur in 10% as a result of the hypercal-

                                                                lating hormone (TSH) from the anterior pituitary gland.
                    ciuria induced by GH excess.
                                                                TSHisaglycoprotein, which binds to high-affinity re-
                    Local effects of a pituitary tumour include headache,

                    and pressure effects such as bitemporal hemianopia.
                    Panhypopituitarism may occur.
                                                                and release of thyroxine (T 4 ) and triiodothyronine (T 3 )
                    Increased risk of uterine tumours and possibly of

                                                                through activation of adenylate cyclase (see Fig. 11.6).
                    colonic polyps.
                                                                 Somatostatin and dopamine agonists decrease TSH
                                                                secretion. Other hormones affecting the thyroid axis in-
                    IGF-I and GH levels are raised, but GH levels are un-

                                                                clude glucocorticoids, which in excess can impair the
                    reliable due to episodic secretion. An oral glucose sup-
                                                                sensitivity of the pituitary to TRH and hence reduce TSH
                    pression test is performed – a glucose load will fail to
                                                                secretion. Oestrogens conversely increase the sensitivity
                    suppress growth hormone production.
                                                                of the pituitary to TRH.
                    Imaging of the pituitary fossa by X-ray, CT or MRI.

                    If there is no evidence of a pituitary adenoma GHRH  Production and action of the thyroid

                    may be assayed.                             hormones (T 3 and T 4 )
                                                                The epithelial cells of the thyroid gland produce thy-
                  Management                                    roglobulin, which can be seen in the centre of thyroid
                    Wherever possible transphenoidal resection of the  follicles and stains as pink ‘colloid’. TSH stimulates the

                    adenoma is the treatment of choice. Large tumours  re-absorption of colloid by the cells and the production
                    may be resected by transfrontal craniotomy. Prior to  of T 3 and T 4 .These hormones circulate in the blood
                    surgeryhypopituitarismmustbetreatedusingcortisol  bound to thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) and albu-
                    and thyroxine.                              min. The majority of T 3 is converted from the less active
                    Octreotide or lanreotide, a long-acting somatostatin  T 4 by peripheral tissues. Disorders of the thyroid axis are

                    analogue, may be used prior to surgery, following in-  shown in Table 11.6 and Fig. 11.7.
                    complete resection or in elderly patients not fit for
                    surgery. Dopamine agonists may be added in refrac-  Goitre
                    tory cases.
                    Irradiation may be used as an adjuvant to other ther-  Agoitre is a visible or palpable enlarged thyroid. The

                    apies.                                      enlargement may be generalised enlargement or diffuse
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