Page 537 - Medicine and Surgery
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BLUK007-Ind BLUK007-Kendall June 24, 2005 6:46 Char Count= 0
Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures, those in bold refer to tables.
abdomen, tenderness 142 albendazole 213 renal failure 234
abdominal pain 139–40, 141–2, 144 albumin 228, 243 rheumatoid arthritis 360
abdominal wall disorders 154–6 alcoholism/alcohol abuse 218, 220, 317, sickle cell 474–5, 481
abdominal X-ray 190 521–2 sideroblastic 468–9
abducent nerve lesion 337 aldosterone 253, 436, 437, 442 Sj¨ ogren’s syndrome 370
α-blockers 263 alfacalcidol 240, 448, 449 systemic lupus erythematosus 366
abscess alkaline phosphatase 189 ulcerative colitis 170
amoebic liver 151 alkalosis 11 Anaerobes–Bacteroides 101
anorectal 174–5 allergens 109, 110–11, 387, 500 anaesthetic, local/regional 18
breast 415 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis analgesia 17–18
cerebral 307–8 107, 108 anaphylaxis 498, 499–500
diabetes mellitus 453 allergy 467, 498–500 androblastoma 286
liver 212 allopurinol 373 androgens 395, 438
lung 107 alopecia 396–7 androstenedione 438
mycotic embolism 72 alprostadil 275 aneurysms 72, 77–80, 300
nervous system 307–8 alveolar atelectasis 130 angina 23, 33–7, 40, 46
osteomyelitis 355, 356 alveolitis, extrinsic allergic 118–19, angioedema 391, 500, 510
perianal 174 499 angiography, renal 229
perinephric 267–8 Alzheimer’s disease 315–16, 516 angioplasty 28–9, 30, 229
pilonidal sinus 174 amantadine 320 angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
renal 267–8 amaurosis fugax 298 genotypeDD70
acanthosis nigricans 179, 454 amikacin 504 angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
acarbose 453 aminoaciduria 252 inhibitors 39, 63, 243, 246, 250
accessory nerve lesions 339 aminophylline 64 angiotensin-II receptor antagonists 246
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 316 5-aminosalicylic acid (5–ASA) 170, anion gap 231
acetylcholinesterases 333 172 ankylosing spondylitis 362–3
N-acetylcysteine 528 amiodarone 50, 51, 53, 70 anorectal abscess 174–5
achalasia 158–9 amlopidine 35 anorectal disease 141
achondroplasia 375–6 amoebiasis 151–2 anorectal fistula 174
aciclovir 305, 401 amoebic liver abscess 212 anorectal varices 197–8
acid–base balance 10–13 amphetamine abuse 524–5 anorexia 141
acidosis 10–11 amputation 77 anterior horn cell syndrome 329–30
see also metabolic acidosis amylase, serum levels 190 antibiotics
acne vulgaris 395–6 amyloid 315 acne 395
acoustic neuroma 346 amyloidosis 258, 513–14 acute pyelonephritis 267
acromegaly 425–7 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 327, 330 cellulitis 399
activated partial thromboplastin time 464, amyotrophy, diabetic 459 cystic fibrosis 121
466 anaemia 467–74 impetigo 398
activated protein C resistance 496 autoimmune haemolytic 478, 479 infective endocarditis 73
acute abdomen 141–2 of chronic disease 469 mastitis 415
acute respiratory distress syndrome chronic renal failure 238 meningitis 302
(ARDS) 119–20, 498 Crohn’s disease 171, 172 osteomyelitis 355
Addisonian crisis 441–2, 444 Fanconi 253, 479, 485 pneumonia 99, 102
Addison’s disease 5, 440–1 haemolytic 472–4, 478–80 prophylactic in surgery 15, 17
adenomatous polyposis (apc) gene 182 hypochromic microcytic 476 renal abscess 268
adrenal gland 301, 436–44 iron deficiency 468 rosacea 396
adrenal insufficiency 434 leucoerythroblastic 464 sepsis 22
adrenalectomy 440, 443–4 macrocytic 469–70, 469–73 septic arthritis 356
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) megaloblastic 470–1 urinary tract infection 266
423, 436, 439, 441 microcytic hypochromic 468–9 anticholinergic agents 320
ectopic ACTH syndrome 3, 4, 439 normoblastic 469–70 anticoagulants 69, 70, 301, 367, 441
adult polycystic kidney disease 254–5 normocytic 469 anticytoplasmic antibodies 353
aflatoxin 213 peptic ulcer disease 162 antidepressants 275, 530–2
AIDS see HIV infection pernicious 440, 471–2 tricyclic 168–9, 530–1