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                   534 Index

                   antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 5, 136, 253,  aspergillosis 107–8  benzodiazepines 311
                        445, 446                 Aspergillus 19, 71            benzoyl peroxide 395
                   anti-epileptic drugs 310      Aspergillus flavus 213         Berger’s disease see IgAnephropathy
                   antifungals 387, 389, 503     Aspergillus fumigatus 107–8   beriberi 511–12
                   anti-GBM disease see Goodpasture’s  aspirin 34, 37, 39, 524  bicarbonate 10, 460
                        disease                   antiphospholipid syndrome 367  bile duct disorders 208–10
                   antihistamines 391, 500        duodenal ulcers 161           carcinoma 217–18
                   antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies  peripheral arterial disease 77  gallstones 215
                        (ANCA) 125, 380           poisoning 528–30             bile salts 215
                   antinuclear antibodies (ANA) 353, 366  TIAs 298             biliary colic 184
                   antiphospholipid syndrome 367  Assmann focus 103            biliary infections 215
                   antiplatelet agents 34        asthma 108–11, 112–13         biliary stasis 215
                   anti-reflux surgery 157        astrocytoma 350–1             biliary system, clinical 184–92
                   antithrombin III deficiency 496  ataxia 292, 317, 345        biliary tract disease 218
                   antithyroid drugs 431–2       atheroma 33–4, 176            biliary tree, pain 184
                   α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency 114, 115, 194,  atherosclerosis 74, 80, 453  bilirubin 185, 189, 215, 473
                        210                      atovaquone 481                bisphosphonates 12, 281, 361, 374, 448
                   anus, disorders 172–5, 182    atrial arrhythmias 49–52      Bitot’s spots 511
                   anxiety, performance 275      atrial ectopic beats 49–50    bladder/bladder disorders 228–9, 261–5
                   aorta                         atrial enlargement 51          cancer 230, 277–9
                    coarctation 87               atrial fibrillation 44, 47, 50–2, 65, 66, 69  catheterisation 257
                    dissection 23–4, 79–80       atrial flutter 50               outflow obstruction 223, 262–3, 279
                    stenosis 45–6                atrial myxoma 88–9            Blalock-Taussig shunt 88
                    wrongly positioned 87        atrial septal defects 60, 86–7  bleeding 463–4
                   aortic valves 45, 46, 80      atrioventricular block 56–9    disorders 14, 492–6
                   aortoiliac reconstruction 77  atrioventricular defect, Down syndrome  blindness 456, 511
                   apathy in dementia 314             85, 86                   blood count 464
                   apex beat 28                  atrioventricular node 51, 52–3  blood gas, arterial 10
                   apnoea 318                    Auer rods 487                 blood groups 496
                    sleep 116–17                 Auerbach’s plexus 158         blood pressure 74, 75
                   apolipoprotein  4 315         automated peritoneal dialysis 232  see also hypertension
                   appendix disorders 163–4      automaticity, enhanced 49, 54  blood transfusion 496–8
                   Arnold–Chiari malformation 328–9  autonomic neuropathy 459  body mass index (BMI) 507, 509
                   arrhythmias                   axonotmesis 339–40            Boerhaave’s syndrome 160
                    junctional 52–3              azathioprine 379, 496         bone marrow sampling 466
                    see also cardiac arrhythmias                               bone/bone disorders 239, 373–7, 494
                   arterial insufficiency 76      β 2 agonists 110               infections 16, 354–7
                   arterial occlusion 76–7       bacille Calmette–Gu´ erin (BCG) 106, 279  pain 281
                   arterial reconstruction 77    bacilliary dysentery 149–50   bosentan 131, 368
                   arteriosclerosis 74, 75, 77   Bacillus cereus 149           botulinum toxin injections 345
                   arteriovenous malformations 298, 300  baclofen 345          botulism 152–3
                   arthritides, seronegative 362–5  bacteraemia 21             bowel
                   arthritis                     balanitis 274, 402             disease 140, 141, 170, 175–7
                    enteropathic 364–5           balloon angioplasty see percutaneous  perforation 16
                    Henoch–Sch¨ onlein purpura 381    transluminal coronary angioplasty  see also large bowel; small bowel
                    hereditary haemochromatosis 211   (PTCA)                   Bowen’s disease 407
                    inflammatory bowel disease 364–5  balloon valvuloplasty 46  brachial plexus injuries 341–2
                    psoriatic 363–4, 388         barium studies 146–7          bradycardias 48
                    reactive 364                 Barrett’s oesophagus 147, 156  bradykinesia 319
                    rheumatic fever 41           Bartter syndrome 252–3        brain 295, 298, 313
                    septic 356–7                 basal cell carcinoma 406–7     death 318
                    seropositive 359–62          basophils 464–5                tumours 348–9
                    see also osteoarthritis; rheumatoid  β-blockers 35, 39, 43, 63, 70  brainstem testing 318
                        arthritis                 Marfan’s syndrome 371        BRCA1 and 2 416
                   asbestos-related disease 131–3  oesophageal varices 200     breast/breast disorders 409–19
                   Aschoff’snodule 41            Behçet’s syndrome 382–3, 390   aberrations of normal development and
                   ascites 188, 195, 198         Bell’s palsy 338                  involution (ANDI) 412
                   L-asparaginase 486            Bence–Jones protein 490        benign 412–15
                   aspergilloma 107, 108         benzene 485                    cancer 410, 415–19
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