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                                                                                                 Index 539

                    metastases 214              hypercalciuria 123–4          hypopituitarism 422–3
                    nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 207  hypercholesterolaemia 243, 510  hypotension 3, 21, 22, 64
                    primary sclerosing cholangitis 210  hypercyanotic spells 88  hypothalamic–pituitary-gonadal axis
                  hepatocellular necrosis 528   hyperglycaemia 451, 453, 455, 457, 460  424
                  hepatocytes 189, 194          hyperhomocysteinaemia 515–16  hypothalamus 420–3
                  hepatomegaly 186, 211         hyperkalaemia 7–8, 10, 498    hypothermia 498
                  hepatorenal syndrome 196        renal failure 234, 235, 236, 237  hypothyroidism 432–3, 433, 507
                  hepatosteatosis, nonalcoholic 194  hyperlipidaemia 243, 509–11, 510  hypoxia 16, 65, 89
                  hepatotoxins 207, 208, 213    hypernatraemia 2, 3–4, 445    hysteria 288
                  HER2 gene 418                 hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma 4,
                  hereditary angioedema 500, 510     461                      ichthyoses 389
                  hereditary elliptocytosis 474  hyperparathyroidism 446      IgAnephropathy 224, 245, 246
                  hereditary haemochromatosis 210–11  chronic renal failure 238, 240  ileal pouch formation 183
                  hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia  primary 11, 12, 446–8, 450  ileorectal anastomosis 183
                       496                        secondary 240, 447, 448     ileostomy 148
                  hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy  tertiary 447, 448–9  ileum 164–5
                       348                      hyperphosphataemia 449        ileus, paralytic 144–5
                  hereditary spherocytosis 473–4  hyperprolactinaemia 424–5   imatinib 483
                  hernia 144, 154–6, 176        hypersensitivity reactions 498–9  immune complexes 499
                    sliding 157, 158, 173       hypertension 13, 73–5, 76     immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies 478,
                    see also hiatus hernia        adult polycystic kidney disease 255  495, 496, 497
                  heroin 522–3                    chronic renal failure 237   immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies 478,
                  herpes simplex virus (HSV) 305, 390,  Conn’s syndrome 442        496, 497
                       400–1                      diabetes mellitus 455, 456, 457  immunology 498–500, 501
                  herpes zoster 92, 337, 401      idiopathic intracranial 325  immunoproliferative small intestine
                  hiatus hernia 157–8             nephritic syndrome 243           disease (IPSID) 180
                  high density lipoprotein (HDL) 510  phaeochromocytoma 443   immunosuppression
                  hilar lymphadenopathy 390       portal 197–9                 aplastic anaemia 479, 480
                  hirsutism 397–8                 systemic sclerosis 368       Behçet’s syndrome 383
                  Histoplasma 71                  thoracic aortic aneurysm 80  IgAnephropathy 246
                  Histoplasma influenzae 100       see also pulmonary hypertension  multiple sclerosis 323
                  HIV infection 493, 501–6      hyperthyroidism 431, 499       pemphigus 393
                    anorectal abscess 175       hypertrichosis 398             polyarteritis nodosa 380
                    needle-sharing 523          hypertriglyceridaemia 510     impetigo 398
                    testing in tuberculosis 105  hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy  impotence 274–5
                  HLA B27 362, 363, 364, 365         (HPOA) 136               incisional hernia 155
                  HLA-DR3 370                   hyperuricaemia 372, 373       indinavir 505
                  Hodgkin’s disease 488–9       hyperuricaemic nephropathy 253–4  infections 19–22
                  hormone receptors 420         hyperventilation 128           bacterial 97, 398–400, 503
                  hormone replacement therapy 215  hypoalbuminaemia 242        biliary 215
                  Horner’s syndrome 335–6       hypoaldosteronism 253          bone 16, 354–7
                  human papilloma virus (HPV) 401–2  hypocalcaemia 12–13, 449  breast 415
                  Huntington’s disease 321–2      blood transfusion 498        bronchiectasis 122
                  hydatid disease 212–13          chronic renal failure 238    erythema multiforme 390
                  hydrocele 272–3, 282            hyperparathyroidism 448      fungal 71, 72, 402–3, 503
                  hydrocephalus 304, 324–5        seizures 288                 gastrointestinal 148–54
                  hydronephrosis, idiopathic 257–8  hypoglossal nerve lesions 339  HIV infection 503–5
                  hydrostatic pressure 25–6     hypoglycaemia 287, 457         joint 354–7
                  hydroxychloroquine 392          coma 312                     nephrotic syndrome 243
                  5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 137, 325  diabetes mellitus 451, 461–2  nervous system 301–8
                  hydroxyurea 483, 484            hepatocellular carcinoma 214  nosocomial 19
                  hyoscine butylbromide 168       insulin-induced 454–5        peritonitis 143
                  hyperaldosteronism 437, 442   hypoglycaemic drugs 14, 453    skin 398–403
                  hyperbilirubinaemia 185, 197  hypokalaemia 8–9, 56, 442      soft tissues 398–403
                  hypercalcaemia 11–12          hypokinesia 319                surgical site 16–17
                    bronchial carcinoma 136     hypomagnesaemia 56             urinary tract 265–70, 271, 280
                    hepatocellular carcinoma 214  hyponatraemia 2, 4–6, 234    urinary tract obstruction 257
                    hyperparathyroidism 447     hypoparathyroidism 449         see also respiratory infections; viral
                    sarcoidosis 123–4           hypophysectomy, transsphenoidal 440  infections
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