Page 545 - Medicine and Surgery
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Index 541
lorazepam 531 breast skin changes 410, 416 metastases
low density lipoprotein (LDL) 510 cardiac tamponade 67 bone 376–7
lower motor neurones chest pain 92 breast cancer 417, 418
motor neurone disease 327 hypercalcaemia 11, 12 bronchial carcinoid tumours 137
signs 291 membranous glomerulonephritis 249 bronchial carcinoma 136
lumbar puncture 294–5 naevi 405 gallbladder carcinoma 217
lumefantrine 481 oesphageal perforation 160 hepatocellular carcinoma 214
lung capacity, total 95 urinary tract obstruction 256 liver 180, 184
lung volumes 95, 96 see also named cancers and tumours liver tumours 214–15
lung/lung disorders malignant melanoma 407–8 lung 137–8
abscess 107 Mallory’s bodies 205 renal cell carcinoma 277
cancer 134–8 Mallory–Weiss tears 145, 159–60 teratoma 285
function testing 93, 95 malnutrition 509 testicular tumours 282
granulomatous 123–5 malrotation 144 thyroid carcinoma 435
honeycomb 117 mammography 411, 416, 418 metformin 453
lobectomy 97 mannitol 313 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
obstructive 108–11, 112–13, 114–17 Mantoux test 105 (MRSA) 16, 19
occupational disease 131–4 marasmus 509 methotrexate 379
pneumonectomy 97 Marfan’s syndrome 43, 80, 371 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
restrictive 117–19 Marshall–Marchetti–Krantz (MDMA) 525
secondary tumours 137–8 colposuspension 265 metoclopramide 157
suppurative 120–3 mastalgia 410 metronidazole 151, 152, 212
surgery 97 mastectomy 411 microalbuminuria 226, 228, 457
transplantation 122 mastitis, acute 415 microvascular disease, diabetic 455, 457,
vasculitic 123–5 maturity onset diabetes of the young 458
lupus anti-coagulant 367 (MODY) 453 migraine 325–6
lymphadenopathy 463 mean cell haemoglobin concentration mineralocorticoids 440–1
lymphangitis carcinomatosa 138 464 minimal change disease 248–9
lymphocytes 464 mean cell haemoglobin content 464 mitochondrial conditions 519
lymphoma 488–90 mean cell volume 464 mitral regurgitation 42–3
Burkitt 180, 490 mebendazole 213 mitral stenosis 44–5, 89
gastric 179 mebeverine 168 mitral valve 30, 42, 43, 131
HIV 504–5 Meckel’s diverticulum 161, 164–5 M-mode echocardiography 32
non-Hodgkin B cell 179, 369, 489–90, median nerve lesions 342 Mohs’ surgery 384
504–5 mediastinoscopy 97 monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
small bowel 166, 179–80 mediastinotomy 97 significance (MGUS) 491–2
mefloquine 481 monocytes 464
magnesium supplements 13 megaoesophagus 159 mononeuritis multiplex 340
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) melaena 162, 199 mononeuropathies 339–40
229 melanin 211, 389 Moraxella catarrhalis 97, 100
magnetic resonance memory disorders 308–18 motor neurones
cholangiopancreatography M´ enière’s disease 289 disease 327–8, 330
(MRCP) 190–1 meningioma 349–50 weakness 291
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 190–1 meningitis 301–4 motor neuropathy 348, 458
brain 295 meningococcaemia 21 movement disorders 318–22
musculoskeletal system 354 meningococcal septicaemia 441 mucocoele 216
spinal cord 295 menopause 373 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
urinary tract 229 6-mercaptopurine 486 (MALT) 179
malabsorption 471 mesalazine 172 multifocal neuropathy 458–9
cystic fibrosis 121 mesangial IgA disease see IgAnephropathy multiorgan dysfunction 21
folate deficiency 472 mesenteric vessel atheroma 176 multiorgan failure 120
gallstones 215 mesothelioma, malignant 133 multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 446,
syndromes 165–7 metabolic acidosis 231, 234 450
vitamin K 495 chronic renal failure 237 type I 421, 425, 450
maladie de Roger 85 diabetes mellitus 459 type II 435, 443, 450
malaria 480–1 renal osteodystrophy 240 multiple myeloma 258, 490–1
Malassezia furfur 387, 389 renal tubular 253 multiple sclerosis 321–3
malignancy metabolic defects 477–8 multiple system atrophy 320
bowel 141 metabolic disorders 513–15 muscle disorders 332