Page 548 - Medicine and Surgery
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544 Index
Pneumocystis jirovecii 96, 101, 505, 506 pregnancy pulmonary wedge pressure 120
pneumocytes 120 antiphospholipid syndrome 367 pulsation 28
pneumonia 98–9, 100–1, 102 erythema nodosum 390 pulse, arterial 26, 27
interstitial 117–18 gallstones 215 pulsus paradoxus 66, 67
lobar 99 oestrogens 423 punch biopsy 384
lung abscess 107 thoracic aortic aneurysms 80 pyelography 229, 257
motor neurone disease 328 urinary tract infection 266 pyelonephritis 257, 267, 268–9, 453, 459
pneumocystis 501, 506 preoperative assessment 13–15 pyloric stenosis 162
pulmonary embolism 130 presentations 141–6 pyloroplasty 147
stages 99 pressure sores 16 pyoderma gangrenosum 169
pneumothorax 126–7 primaquine 481 pyogenic granuloma 405
poisoning, acute 526–32 prion diseases 316 pyrazinamide 154, 304
poliomyelitis 306–7 procainamide 332 pyrexia 15, 16–17, 97
polyarteritis nodosa 379–80 proctitis 170 of unknown origin (PUO) 19–20
polycystic kidney disease adult 254 proctoscopy 146, 147, 172 pyridostigmine 333
polycystic ovary syndrome 507 proctosigmoiditis 170 pyrimethamine 481
polycystin proteins 254 progestagen 423 pyroxidine deficiency 512
polycythaemia 465, 483 progressive supranuclear palsy 320 pyuria 266
vera 483–4 proguanil 481
polydipsia 5, 445, 451, 453 prolactin 423–5 QRS complex 50
polymyalgia rheumatica 378 prolactinoma 411, 422, 425 atrial fibrillation 51, 52
polymyositis 370 Propionibacterium acnes 395 left bundle branch block 59–60
polyps propranolol 53, 432 right bundle branch block 60, 61
intestinal 147 prostacyclins 131 ventricular ectopic beats 54
large bowel neoplastic 180–1 prostate Q–T interval 11, 12
Peutz–Jegher syndrome 183 benign hyperplasia 262–3 quinine 481
stomach 178 cancer 279–81
polysomnography 116 disorders 262–5 radial nerve lesions 343
polyuria 24, 257, 445, 453 transurethral resection 263 radiculopathy 340, 458
porphyria 514–15 ultrasound scan 228–9 radioallergosorbent test (RAST) 467
cutanea tarda 214 prostatectomy, radical 280 radionuclide scan 257, 354
portal hypertension 197–9 prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 279 Raynaud’s disease 382
portosystemic shunting 198–9 protease inhibitors 505 Raynaud’s phenomenon 368, 370, 382
port-wine stains 405 protein C and S deficiencies 496 rebound tenderness 292
post-cricoid web 158 proteins, buffering 10 rectum disorders 172–5
posterior column disease 328 protein-to-creatinine ratio 226 bleeding 140, 141, 172
postoperative care, pain control 17–19 proteinuria 226, 227–8, 457 carcinoma 175, 182
postoperative complications 15–16 Henoch–Sch¨ onlein purpura 381 prolapse 173
post-polio syndrome 306, 307 minimal change disease 249 red blood cells 465
postural drainage 123 nephrotic syndrome 242 Reed-Sternberg cells 488, 489
post-viral syndrome, influenza 106 Proteus mirabilis, urinary tract infection reflux nephropathy 268–9
potassium 265 renal abscess 267–8
balance 6–9 prothrombin time 464, 465–6 renal agenesis 260
control 437 proton pump inhibitors 143, 147, 157, 159, renal angiography 229
depletion 460 163 renal angioplasty/stenting 229
supplementation 8–9, 10 prurigo, nodular 393 renal biopsy 231
see also hyperkalaemia; hypokalaemia pruritis ani 146 renal cell carcinoma 276–7
potassium channel openers 35 pseudogout 354, 371, 373 renal colic 224, 270
potassium iodide 432 pseudohypoparathyroidism 449–50 renal collecting duct 253
Pott’s disease 356 pseudomembranous colitis 150–1 renal cystic disease 254–6
pouch of Douglas, sliding hernia 173 Pseudomonas 19 renal cysts, simple 255–6
Prader–Willi syndrome 507 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 101, 121, 122 renal disease 14, 245
praziquantel 269 psoriasis 387–8 renal failure 233–40
precordial heaves 28 arthritis 363–4, 388 acute 16, 234–6, 238, 243, 246
prednisolone 115, 118, 119 pulmonary embolism 81, 129–30, 243 causes 234, 235
polymyalgia rheumatica 378 pulmonary fibrosis 117–18 chronic 235, 237–40, 251, 448
sarcoidosis 124 pulmonary hypertension 65, 86, 130–1, 368 end-stage 239, 246, 457
thrombocytopenia purpura 495 pulmonary oedema 63–4, 69, 236, 529 infective endocarditis 72
pre-eclampsia 74 pulmonary stenosis 46–7 pre-/post-renal 234, 235