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                                                                                                 Index 547

                  thyroid hormones 420, 427–36  tubular necrosis, acute (ATN) 236–7  urography, intravenous 229, 257
                  thyroid nodule, solitary 430–1, 434  tubulointerstitial disease 251  urticaria 390–1, 498
                  thyroidectomy 436             tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) inhibitors  uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 116–17
                    subtotal 430                     361, 364
                    total 434, 435, 436         Turner syndrome 519–20        vaginal cystoceles 265
                  thyroiditis, autoimmune 433   typhoid fever 152             vagus nerve lesion 338–9
                  thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 423,                      vancomycin-intermediate/resistant
                       427                      ulceration                         Staphylococcus aureus
                  thyrotoxic crisis 432           Behçet’s syndrome 382, 383       (VISA/VRSA) 19
                  thyrotoxicosis 43, 431, 433     chronic venous 83–4         vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
                  thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH)  duodenal 161–2             19
                       427                        gastric 161                 varicella zoster virus 401
                  thyroxine (T4) 427, 432, 433, 435  non-healing leg 76       varicocele 273
                  thyroxine-binding globulin 427  ulcerative colitis 169–70, 181, 364  varicose veins 82–3
                  Tietze’s disease 410          ulnar nerve lesions 343       vascular disease 73–84, 175–7
                  Tine test 105                 ultrasound scan               vasculitis 240, 331, 377–83
                  tinea 402–3                     abdominal 190                ANCA-associated 258
                  Tinel’s sign 342                bladder 228–9                classification 378
                  tinidazole 151                  breast 411                  vasopressin see antidiuretic hormone
                  torsades de pointes 55          musculoskeletal system 354       (ADH)
                  toxins, acute tubular necrosis 236, 237  prostate 228–9     vasovagal syncope 25
                  toxoplasmosis 503               renal 228                   venous insufficiency, chronic 82, 84
                  transfer factor 95–6          upper motor neurones          venous pressure 26
                  transfusion medicine 496–8      motor neurone disease 327    jugular 26, 27, 28, 47
                  transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) 297–8  signs 290–1, 292  venous thrombosis
                  transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic  uraemia 239         antiphospholipid syndrome 367
                       shunt (TIPSS) 199, 200   urea clearance 232             intracranial 299, 300–1
                  transoesophageal echocardiography  ureteric colic 270        nephrotic syndrome 243
                       (TOE) 32                 ureterography 257              see also deep vein thrombosis
                  transurethral removal of bladder tumour  ureterolithotomy 271  venous ulceration, chronic 83–4
                       230                      ureters 228                   ventilation
                  transurethral resection of the prostate  congenital malformations 261  ARDS 120
                       (TURP) 263               urethral lumen 261             assisted (CPAP, NIPPV) 128, 129
                  transverse myelitis 331–2     urethropexy 265                nasal 115
                  trastuzumab 418               urge incontinence 264, 265     single lung 97
                  traveller’s diarrhoea 140     uric acid 372                  withdrawal 318
                  tremor 292, 319, 321            metabolism disorders 253–4  ventilatory failure 128
                  tricuspid regurgitation 47–8  urinary frequency 224         ventricular aneurysms 38
                  trigeminal nerve lesion 337   urinary incontinence 263–5    ventricular arrhythmias 54–6, 70
                  trigeminal neuralgia 326–7    urinary schistosomiasis 269   ventricular failure, right 65
                  triiodothyronine (T 3 ) 427, 432  urinary stones 270–2      ventricular fibrillation 56
                  trochlear nerve lesions 336–7  urinary tract                ventricular hypertrophy
                  Tropheryma whippelii 167        imaging 228–9                left 74
                  tropical sprue 167              infection 265–70, 280        right 88
                  troponin 38, 39                 obstruction 256–7           ventricular outflow obstruction, right
                  Trousseau’s sign 13, 449        sepsis 21                        88
                  Trypanosoma cruzi 159         urine                         ventricular septal defects 84–6, 87, 88
                  tuberculin hypersensitivity 499  cloudy 224                 ventricular shunt 324–5
                  tuberculin testing 105          discoloured 224–5           ventricular wall rupture 38
                  tuberculoma 308                 electrolytes 227            verapamil 35
                  tuberculosis 102–6              flow 224                     verrucae 402
                    bone infection 356            microscopy 227              vertigo 288–9
                    bronchiectasis 122            osmolality 5, 6             very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)
                    gastrointestinal tract 154    outflow obstruction 223, 262–3    509
                    metastatic 104                output 2, 3, 15             vesicoureteric reflux 268, 269
                    miliary 104, 105, 303         sodium concentration 5, 6   vesicourethral junction 261
                    prevention 106                tests 226–7                 vestibulocochlear nerve lesion 338
                    pulmonary 103, 104–5          volume 224                  Vibrio cholerae 153
                  tuberose sclerosis 346, 443   urobilinogen 473              vincristine 486, 496
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