Page 547 - Medicine and Surgery
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Index 543
oxygen therapy secondary diabetes mellitus 454 pericardiocentesis 67
bronchiectasis 123 tumours 220–2 pericarditis 41
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 118 pancreatic islet cells 218, 450, 451 acute 66–7
long-term 128 tumours 190, 222, 450 chest pain 23
pulmonary hypertension 131 pancreatic polypeptide 190 constrictive 65–6
respiratory failure 128 pancreatitis perinephric abscess 267–8
acute 216, 218–20 perioperative care 13–19
pacemakers chronic 190, 220 peripheral arterial disease 75–7
permanent 31, 48, 49 familial 221 peripheral arterial occlusion, acute 80–1
temporary 58 gallstone-associated 219–20 peripheral nerves
packed cell volume 464 hereditary 220 disorders 339–45
Paget’s disease 374–5 severity 219–20 focal/multifocal neuropathy 458
Paget’s disease of the nipple 417 pancytopenia 464, 466, 467, 479 peripheral neuropathy 340, 458
pain pan-proctocolectomy 170 peritoneal dialysis 232–3
abdominal 139-40, 141–2, 144, 219 papaverine 275 peritonitis 143, 164
abdominal aortic aneurysms 78 papillary muscle rupture 42, 43 ascites 188
anal fissure 173 papilloedema 335, 336 diverticular disease 168
appendicitis 164 paracentesis, therapeutic 188 peritoneal dialysis 233
assessment 17–18 paracetamol 325 tuberculous 154
back 362 poisoning 197, 527–8, 529 peroneal nerve lesions 344–5
biliary tree 184 parainfluenza 97 petechial haemorrhage 313
bone 281 paralytic ileus 144–5 Peutz–Jegher syndrome 183, 221
cancer 17 para-oesophageal hernia 157, 158 phaeochromocytoma 442–3, 450
chest 23–4, 36, 37, 43, 92 paraphimosis 274 Phalen’s test 342
cystitis 266 paraproteinaemias 490–2 pharyngeal pouch 158
diffuse oesophageal spasm 159 parasites, skin infections 403 phenytoin 332
epigastric 161 parathyroid gland disorders 446–50 Philadelphia chromosome 483
gallbladder 184 parathyroid hormone (PTH) 12, 446, 449 phimosis 274
gallstone 215 paratyphoid fever 152 phosphates
intermittent claudication 25, 76 parenteral nutrition 15 binders 449
irritable bowel syndrome 168 Parkinson plus syndromes 320 oral 448
joint 352, 358 parkinsonism 292, 293, 320–1 transport defects 252
liver 184 Parkinson’s disease 318–20 photocoagulation, panretinal 456
loin 223, 256 Paterson–Brown–Kelly syndrome 158 Pickwickian syndrome 116–17
non-pharmacological treatment patient-controlled analgesia 18 pilonidal sinus 174
18–19 peak expiratory flow 94, 96, 110 pituitary 420–3
osteoarthritis 358 Pediculosis capitis 403 adenomas 421–2, 440, 450
pancreas 184 pellagra 512 pityriasis
pleuritic 92 pelvic floor exercises 264–5 rosea 388–9
polymyalgia rheumatica 378 pelviureteric junction obstruction 257–8 versicolor 389
rest 25 pemphigoid 394 Pityrosporum ovale 387, 389
retrosternal 92 pemphigus 393–4 plaque
substernal 65 D-penicillamine 212 atheromatous 75
superficial thrombophlebitis 83 penile prosthesis 275 coronary artery 34
trigeminal neuralgia 326–7 penile vacuum devices 275 multiple sclerosis 321–3
types 17 penis pleural 132
urinary stones 270, 271 orifice narrowing 274 senile 315
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 163 self-injection 275 plasma osmolality 5–6
see also headache pentose phosphate pathway 477 plasmapheresis 333, 393
pain control 17–19 peptic ulcer disease 145, 147, 161–2 Plasmodium 480, 481
palpitations 24 peptides 420 platelets 465
pan-colectomy 170 percutaneous angioplasty 77 pleura, friction rub 93
pancarditis 41, 42 percutaneous transhepatic pleural effusion 125–6
pancreas 184–92 cholangiography 191 pleurectomy 127
carcinoma 220–2 percutaneous transluminal coronary pleurisy 127
cysts 220 angioplasty (PTCA) 29, 35 Plummer–Vinson syndrome 158
disorders 218–22 performance anxiety 275 pneumococcal infection 21
pain 184 pericardial disorders 65–8 pneumococcal vaccination 99
pseudocysts 220 pericardiectomy 67 pneumoconiosis, coal worker’s 133–4