Page 546 - Medicine and Surgery
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542 Index
muscular atrophy, progressive 327 nephrostomy, percutaneous 257 nutritional support 15
muscular dystrophy 332 nephrostomy and antegrade pyelography nystagmus 291
musculoskeletal system 352–4 229
chest pain 24 nephrotic syndrome 242–3 obesity 507–9
genetic disorders 375–6 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 250 octreotide 427
seronegative arthritides 362–5 infective endocarditis 72 oculomotor nerve lesions 336
see also arthritides; arthritis; bone; minimal change disease 248 odynophagia 140
connective tissue disorders; joints; nerve conduction studies 294 oesophageal disorders 156–60
osteoarthritis; vasculitis nervous system carcinoma 147, 159, 177–8
myasthenia gravis 332–3 abscesses 307–8 obstruction 140
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare 504 central lesions 289 oesophageal varices
Mycobacterium leprae 399 clinical 287–95 bleeding 199–200
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 96, 102, 154 congenital/hereditary disorders 345–8 cirrhosis 195
bone infection 356 infections 301–8 portal hypertension 197, 198
HIV 503–4 investigations 293–5 upper gastrointestinal tract bleed 145
meningitis 303–4 motor neurone disease 327–8, 330 oesophagitis 145, 147, 402
tuberculoma 308 multiple sclerosis 321–3 oesophagogastroduodenal endoscopy 147
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 100, 390 muscular dystrophy 332 oestrogens 423
mycosis fungoides 490 procedures 293–5 olanzapine 311
mycotic emboli 72 symptoms 287–90 olfactory nerve lesions 334
mycotoxins 213 tumours 348–51 oligodendroglioma 350–1
myectomy 70 see also cerebrovascular disease; cranial oligomeganephronia 260
myelin loss 323 nerves; movement disorders; oliguria 3, 234
myelodysplastic syndromes 481–2 peripheral nerves; spinal cord ‘on/off’ phenomenon 319
myelofibrosis 484–5 neuralgia, trigeminal 326–7 ophthalmoplegia 317
myeloproliferative diseases 482–5 neuraminidase (N) antigen 106 opiate abuse/dependence 522–3
myocardial disorders 62, 68–71 neuraminidase inhibitors 107 opioid delivery 18
myocardial infarction 13, 15, 23 neurofibrillary tangles 315, 332 Opisthorchis 217
acute ST elevation (STEMI) 36, 37–40 neurofibromatosis 345–6, 346–7, 443 optic atrophy 335
non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) 36–7 neurological disorders 290–1 optic disc abnormalities 334–5, 336
pericarditis, Dressler’s syndrome 38, 65 neuromuscular junction disorders 332–4 optic nerve 334–66
pericarditis, post infarction 65 neuronitis, vestibular 288 optic neuritis 323
myocarditis 41, 68, 69 neuropathy, diabetic 457–9 oral contraceptives 213, 215, 390
myocutaneous flap 412 neuropeptide Y 508 oral hairy leukoplakia 503
myoglobin 39 neuropil threads 315 oral hypoglycaemic drugs 14, 453
myonecrosis, clostridial 399 neuropraxia 339 oral rehydration 509
myotomy 70, 159 neurotmesis 340 oral rehydration solution 140, 154
myotonic dystrophy 332 neutropenia 464 orchidectomy, radical 282, 284, 285
myxoedema 432–3 neutrophils 464 orchitis 269–70
coma 433–4 nevirapine 505 orlistat 508
niacin deficiency 512 orthopnoea 24, 62
naevi nicorandil 35 oseltamivir 107
benign 405 nicotinic acid 512 Osler’s nodes 72
spider 187 nifedipine 382 osmosis 1
nails, psoriasis 388 nipples osmotic diuresis 451
Na /K -ATPase pump 6, 442 discharge 410–11, 414 osmotic pressure 25–6
naloxone 523 Paget’s disease 417 osteoarthritis 357–9, 372
nausea 140, 184 reconstruction 412 osteogenesis imperfecta 376
needle core biopsy 409, 411, 418 nitrates 35, 40, 159 osteogenic sarcoma 375
needle-sharing 523 nocturnal dyspnoea, paroxysmal 24, 62 osteoid osteoma 377
Neisseria meningitidis 301 non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma 179, 369, osteomalacia 374
nephritic syndrome 243–4 489–90, 504–5 osteomyelitis 354–6, 475
nephritis 244, 251 noninvasive positive pressure ventilation osteoporosis, prophylaxis 378
nephrolithotomy 271 (NIPPV) 129 osteosarcoma 377
nephropathy non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs osteosclerosis 240
diabetic 456–7 (NSAIDs) 145, 161, 325, 373 osteotomy, osteoarthritis 359
hyperuricaemic 253–4 noradrenaline 62, 508 ostium primum/secundum defects 86, 87
membranous 242 nuclear medicine, urinary tract 229 overdose 526–32
reflux 268–9 nutritional disorders 507–13 overflow incontinence 264