Page 15 - Petals of Flower-Revised_30thJune,2017
P. 15

Ere long had I nurs’d a fond hope

                    To pen.a satire, half as well as mocking Pope.

                    These lines, I now write, to my better-half are due:                           (5)

                    To the dreaded dining table is the scene ne’er new:

                    When ill-bred palate and insatiate tongue

                    O’er five star food and friv’lous habit is hung,

                    No feebler excuse doth one need to arouse

                    In the self-wil1ed spouse, lasting grouse!                              (10)

                    Vile ingratitude, Vanity, heart of stone,

                    Is thy name husband, or ‘nother name for groan:

                    To the sights and smells of kitchen strange:

                    The hissing Prestige, on the cooking range

                    Is unheard melody, but for the ears of Keats;

                    No shriller whistle was e’er blown at the heats.

                    What bubbling hope doth coffee’s vapours waft?

                    Which but to smell is to wield a secret craft,

                    Where smell is vision, and vision smell!

                    Thin throuoh the rising curls of aroma’s veil                                  (20)

                    Lift I my head at the reluctant morn;

                    No more betwixt me and the bed is loyalty torn:
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