Page 12 - Photo Review
P. 12


                              ‘I'm always striving to do something

                                 different and to perfect what I do.

                               I'm very critical of my own work...’

            While he doesn’t have time for elaborating  ‘When I get home [from a shoot] my wife  For years, both on Australia’s Mount
           ÁRZHU\ DUWLVWLF SKLORVRSKLHV  KH SODLQO\ KDV D  usually says "did you get anything you like?" and  Kosciuszko and among the French Alps when
           very distinctive and consistent approach that  I always say "no". I'm never happy. Sometimes I  he lived there he said, ‘I've been going to the
           can fairly be described as his own style.  GR WKLQN  , YH GHÀQLWHO\ JRW VRPHWKLQJ  ² EXW YHU\  VQRZ DQG FDPSLQJ  , GHÀQLWHO\ SUHIHU ZLQWHU
            ‘I'm always striving to do something different  rarely. I need it on a big computer screen before  landscapes because they're minimalist and
           and to perfect what I do. I'm very critical of my  I can say “yeah, the composition works there... or  have clean lines. And I've invested in decent
           own work - and there's probably a pattern in  there's some potential in that". Then I'll basically  gear to allow me to go up to the mountains to
           ZKDW , OLNH DQG ZKR ,·P LQÁXHQFHG E\ DW WKH  take it into Photoshop and spend 15-20 minutes  camp in the snow -- just because it's something
           WLPH  %XW  LI , QRWLFH P\VHOI EHLQJ LQÁXHQFHG   on it – and then chuck it away if it's not working.  that not everyone does. I like to push myself
           I get angry,' he laughed.              Or, if I think "this has got something", I’ll save it  to do something that is different. [It was] the
            Lee accepts that there are times when  and come back to it later.’           same with Claustral Canyon. [Getting there] is a
           ZHQW WR ,FHODQG  , KDWHG LW DW ÀUVW  , ORYHG WKH  with an image and as his post-processing skills  Although he has a young family to
           country, but I was just so torn. Everywhere I  steadily improve, he’ll come back to reinterpret  support and a full time engineering job to
           looked, I saw all these shots that had already  his work once he’s mastered a new technique.  hold down, Lee’s photographic ambitions
           been taken. I got very frustrated with that and  ‘I’ve reprocessed an entire library of images,  appear undiminished. A few weeks after our
           DW ÀUVW UHDOO\ VWUXJJOHG WR GR VRPHWKLQJ XQLTXH   hundreds of photos,’ he said. ‘I've gone back to  interview he and the family would be off on a
            ‘You go to a location, look at all the angles  WKH RULJLQDO UDZ ÀOHV  WKURZQ DZD\ ZKDW , YH GRQH  photography-centric trip to Germany, Scotland
           and think, “that's the angle – unfortunately.”  after I've learned new techniques. Every time I  and the USA.
           There are no other angles, there's no way of  felt like I was better, I would delete my old stuff  ‘I've come to realise that my biggest
           getting around it. That [particular] composition  and start again.’           motivation is travel,’ he said, ‘and if you took
           works because everything within the scene falls  9LWDO DV WKH SRVW SURGXFWLRQ ZRUNÁRZ LV WR  the camera away, I'd probably be happy just to
           into its place. Everything has its own space,  his photography, putting himself in the way of  travel. Still, I do like to capture what I see and to
           the sight lines lead in, and so on. So I will just  SKRWRJUDSKLF RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQ WKH ÀUVW SODFH  do something creative with the results.
           make sure that I do a better job of it technically.  – whether they be exotic locales or unusual  ‘I don't want to be famous or anything and
           , OO PDNH LW EHWWHU  , OO ÀQHVVH LW PRUH LQ 3KRWRVKRS  angles - is essential.  I don't necessarily want to be rich. I guess
           to how I want it.’                       Gesturing toward his portfolio, he said, ‘I have  success for me is being recognised within an
                                                                                         industry and amongst my peers, and continuing
            As even a cursory glance at his work reveals,  a photo with me from the Iceberg Lagoon in
           E\ ¶ÀQHVVH· /HH GRHVQ·W PHDQ PDNLQJ D IHZ  Iceland and it’s an over-under aerial shot. As far  with the AIPP.‘
                                                                                           As someone who thrives on competition,
           minor tweaks here and there. Even if you’re  as I know, nobody has ever done that.
                                                                                         the AIPP’s annual APPAs give Lee the kind of
           unfamiliar with the intricacies of luminosity  ‘That place has been shot to death. So I
                                                                                         demanding contest of talent he thrives on.
           masking or creating the Orton effect, it’s plain  thought “okay, how can I put a spin on that...”,’
                                                                                         ¶,W V GHÀQLWHO\ KDUG · KH VDLG  ¶EXW LW PDNHV PH
           that his post-processing skills are exceptional.  he said, adding, ‘There are so many people out
                                                                                         progress as an artist.’ And having achieved
           Of course that’s what you’d expect from  there doing fantastic photos. But to really call
                                                                                         Master status he now wants to become a
           someone who’s put in thousands of hours  yourself a professional, to differentiate yourself,
                                                                                         Grand Master. ‘That involves a lot of money,
           mastering the complexities of Photoshop – and  you need to go the extra mile.’
                                                                                         a lot of years and a lot of hard work. But that's
           who, in recent years has become accomplished  Sometimes going the extra mile means
                                                                                         the next thing for me. It's something to aim
           enough to teach those skills to other  lugging an underwater housing to get a different
                                                                                         for and I know that it'll keep pushing me in
           photographers through his workshops.   perspective of the aforementioned Icelandic
                                                                                         the right direction.’
            Lee says that when he’s out shooting he can’t  lagoon. Or it can mean abseiling and boulder
           always tell if an image is a keeper. It isn’t until  hopping for hours to reach the Blue Mountains’  w  See more of Lee’s work here
           KH·V KRPH DQG DW WKH FRPSXWHU WKDW KH ÀQDOO\  spectacular Claustral Canyon.
           knows for certain.                       And then there is the snow.   
           10   PHOTOREVIEW AUSTRALIA   |   Issue 75
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