Page 13 - Photo Review
P. 13


            Jökulsárlón over-under, Iceland         , EHOLHYH D SKRWR VKRXOG ÀUVW EH WDNHQ RQ LWV   my shins, having cut them on the thin surface
                                                    own merit, and Photoshop is simply another tool   ice I broke through wading in. The water had
            Jökulsárlón over-under, is a composite
            comprising of three separate images;    of the modern photographer.            instantly numbed my legs so I felt nothing...
            a mountain range taken in Norway, an iceberg   To capture the images that make up this   oops! Determined, I returned again a week later
            above water and the water line, as well as   photograph, I took an underwater housing to   with some more suitable attire – neoprene
            part of an iceberg photographed underwater   Iceland with the sole intention of getting this   waders hired from Reykjavik.
            UHSOLFDWHG PXOWLSOH WLPHV  ÁLSSHG DQG GLVWRUWHG   shot. With minimal budget and a thick Scottish   Between the two shoots I was able to capture
            WR EHFRPH D ODUJHU PRUH VLJQLÀFDQW REMHFW   skin, I opted to walk into the ice cold Jökulsárlón  enough photos to create what I had visualised:
              Some traditionalists may instantly dismiss   lagoon in my underwear. With my Aquatech   an over-under shot of this iconic location.
            this photograph as a fabricated, lesser image   underwater housing cable-tied to my tripod I   – LD
            because it’s a composite. To say this would be   lasted about 60 seconds before retreating to
            unfair, especially considering the time, effort   the shore where my towel and clothes were
            and imagination that went into its creation.    ZDLWLQJ  , UHWXUQHG WR ÀQG EORRG UXQQLQJ GRZQ
                                                                                           Below: Jökulsárlón, Iceland
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