Page 9 - Photo Review
P. 9
‘I learned ee Duguid dates his interest in ,·DQVRQ·V LQÁXHQWLDO Travel Photography: A Guide
to Taking Better Pictures. ‘I was just exploring
photography to 2003. Having earned
L an engineering degree from Robert composition as we were travelling,’ he said.
a lot from just Gordon University, Aberdeen some years For Lee, who had grown up in Scotland, the
HDUOLHU KLV ÀUVW MRE ZDV ZLWK D FRPSDQ\ WKDW vivid temples, landscapes and ancient cultures
trying to create periodically sent him to work on projects in of Asia were photographically fascinating.
Russia. ‘Working in Russia, I earned a decent $V D TXDOLÀHG HQJLQHHU /HH LV SHUKDSV QRW
this ever-better amount of money,’ he said, and being in his surprisingly a methodical person. As he
twenties with a tidy sum in the bank, he decided
portfolio.’ to do the logical thing – he went travelling for along the way. ‘I had a little portfolio of these
4x6 prints and I would keep renewing it with
eight or nine months with a friend from uni days.
Although he and his travelling companion my best ones. I would hand it out to people
were good mates, Lee said their relationship I was travelling with and they would give me
also had a competitive dimension. ‘We always feedback. I learned a lot from just trying to
wanted to beat each other at whatever we did,’ create this ever-better portfolio.’
he said. ‘He was getting into photography, I was After shooting intensively for eight or
into it as well and as we were traveling together nine months across Asia, Lee made his
we were trying to outdo each other.’ way (via Australia) back to London. ‘I wasn't
/HH·V IDWKHU KDG JLYHQ KLP DQ ROG &DQRQ ÀOP photographing as much as when I’d been
camera and he immersed himself in Richard travelling,’ he said of his English hiatus.
Left: Breidamerkursandur, Iceland
Above: Cappadocia, Turkey