Page 18 - Photo Review
P. 18


           You do a lot of different types of       About three years ago, I started wanting to
           photography; including, most recently,  bring together images of my family from way
           an evocative series of montages.       back and incorporate them into where I live now.
           How would you describe yourself as     It has to do with a sense of belonging and my
           a photographer?                        love of the local landscape. I feel at peace and
                                                  connected with the landscape. Which sounds a
           I live in a small town [Portland, 160km west
                                                  bit hippie, I suppose, but I do.
           of Sydney] and I photograph everything and
                                                    6L[WHHQ RI WKRVH PRQWDJHV ZHUH WKH ÀUVW ,
           everybody. I respond to what people want
                                                  exhibited. [At Rex-Livingstone Art + Objects in
           and need – portraits, weddings, events – and
                                                  Katoomba in mid 2017 in an exhibition called
           balance that with my own desire to be creative
                                                  ‘Between the Tides’.]
           and honest. Beyond the montages, I don’t think
           I have a distinctive style. I like integrity and
                                                  Were all the people in those
           authenticity, and I try not to be gimmicky.
                                                  montages family members from
            Going for a walk is my library. I’m a
                                                  back in England?
           photographer of requirement when I’m out
           and about. I used to go out with my sons  Yes. Or me as a child.
           [now aged 19 and 23] and they’d hurtle down  I got into photography because, when I was a
           mountains on bicycles, and the only way I could  child, my parents had a box in the wardrobe full
           cope with the stress was to photograph them.  of hundreds of old black-and-white family photos,
                                                  and I thought they were amazing. That just stuck.
           How did you get started in montaging     My grandmother used to tell me outrageous
           and how has that developed?            stories about what happened in the war and that
           I’ve always done montages, since I got  sort of thing. It wasn’t clear what was true and
           P\ ÀUVW FDPHUD ZKHQ , ZDV DERXW        what wasn’t, but I feel I’m passing on the stories
           They’re combinations of planning and happy  and narratives in different ways. The montages
           accidents. Such as quite recently when I left  are playing with time, bringing people from the
           my hand in a shot when I was holding an  past into the present, into my current world.
           iconic object to photograph it. I’m trying to  The people are still with me because of the
           create something a bit magical.        stories. They’re part of me, part of my make-up
            Half my life has been in England and half  and heritage and personal iconography.
           LQ $XVWUDOLD  DQG LW·V TXLWH D GHÀQLQJ VSOLW   In some ways I’m giving them what they
           I came here on my own in 1991 when I was 25.  never had. They were in the city and in the Blitz
           I met my Australian husband, James, on a  [German bombing of Britain in World War II]
           train and we’ve been in Portland since 2000.  or whatever.

           Right: 12. The Giant. Limited Edition Giclee Print on cotton rag 67.5cm X 35cm
           From the ‘Between the Tides’ series.

           16   PHOTOREVIEW AUSTRALIA   |   Issue 75
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