Page 21 - Photo Review
P. 21


                                                      One image is of Great-great Uncle Fred, who  ‘That’s a dumb idea’ all the time. It’s like
                                                    died a couple of years ago. Everyone said he   letting your childlike imagination come out.
                                                    was gay, but due to the generation he was in,   They develop as I’m doing them, with a lot of
                                                    he couldn’t ‘come out’. So I made him a coming   trial and error. I have more preconceived ideas
                                                    RXW SLFWXUH  ZLWK KLP RQ D Á\LQJ FDUSHW ² KH ZDV   now that I’ve done them for a while, but I try to
                                                    also a great traveller – with rainbow lorikeets as   keep my mind open. Sometimes I’ll pick up and
                                                    D JHVWXUH WR WKH UDLQERZ ÁDJ           put something down for months if something
                                                      I’ve recently done a montage with currawongs   doesn’t sit right or the mood isn’t right. It all has
                                                    in the bush and my Auntie Brenda when she   to come together.
                                                    was a child [she’s now 80]. The birds gave it
                                                    an ominous tone, but I changed that by calling   How did your series of 12 exquisite bird
                                                    it ‘The Choir’. Once you know that, it has sort   shots from the Blue Mountains Botanic
                                                    of an imagined soundtrack.             Gardens at Mt Tomah come about?
                                                                                           They’re also montages, of course. You’d have
                                                    When you’re montaging, you must
                                                                                           to spend a LOT of time getting a set of images
                                                    have a lot of decisions to make.
                                                                                           that perfect. Well, you just couldn’t do it.
                                                    How do you approach it?                  I’ve always loved photographing birds, and
                                                    7KH ELJJHVW GHFLVLRQ , PDGH ZKHQ , ÀUVW VWDUWHG   that was part of a larger multimedia project
                                                    doing them quite seriously was not to be my   LQFOXGLQJ VWLOOV  ÀOP PDNLQJ  SRHWU\ DQG P\
                                                    own critic. That critic in your mind who says,   husband playing improvised music on guitar.
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