Page 25 - Photo Review
P. 25


                                 Fuji Five Lakes

                                   THIS FASCINATING AREA AT THE FOOT OF JAPAN'S

                                                       FOR YOUR CAMERA.

                                                            Margaret Brown

                                                                                           Why visit?
                                                                                           We're taking you to Japan for this Locations
                                                                                           feature, partly because it's one of the easiest
                                                                                           places for Australian photographers to visit
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                                                                                           camera just about anywhere you look. There are
                                                                                           plenty of things that set Japan apart from its
                                                                                           Asian neighbours.
                                                                                             It's safe and clean, it has excellent public
                                                                                           transport, delicious and healthy food and even
                                                                                           if you don't speak the language, the people
                                                                                           are friendly and many of them can understand
                                                                                           English, even if they are reluctant to speak it.
                                                                                           It's also relatively affordable,
                                                                                             Concentrating on a single area is the best
                                                                                           strategy in our opinion because it enables you
                                                                                           to get a real feel for Japanese life and customs.
                                                                                           If your itinerary takes you from place to place
                                                                                           you won't have time to look more closely at a
                                                                                           culture that is radically different from our own
                                                                                           and has a lot to offer to thoughtful visitors.

            A view of Mount Fuji from the northern shore of  Lake Yamanakako. Sailing dinghies on the lake give a
            sense of scale. (28mm focal length 1/400 second at f/11.)

                                                                                  PHOTOREVIEW AUSTRALIA   |   Issue 75
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