Page 30 - Photo Review
P. 30


              ‘Most visitors                      taking photos. Together, two 'retro' buses cover  restaurants, souvenir shops and food vendors
                                                  most of the lakes and stop at the main tourist
                                                                                         around the ponds which sell vegetables,
                                                  attractions including Kachikachiyama Ropeway,  sweets, pickles, crafts and other local products.
                   will want                      Lake Kawaguchi Museum, Lake Kawaguchi  There's also a small open-air museum with a
                                                  Sightseeing Boat, Saiko Iyashi-no-sato Nenba  traditional thatched roof farmhouse. Good views
               great shots of                     reconstructed traditional village and the Music  of Mount Fuji can be obtained on a clear day.
                                                  Box Forest.                              The Fujisan Fujigoko Passport is available at
            Mount Fuji and,                       Lake Kawaguchiko with about four buses an hour.  the Kawaguchiko and Fujisan and several other
                                                    The 'red' line goes along the north and east of
                                                                                         stations and the Asashigaoka/Yamanakako bus
             while there are                      The slightly less frequent 'green' line operates  stop. It provides unlimited use of Fujikyu buses
                                                                                         around the Fuji Five Lakeson two consecutive
                                                  along the southern side of Kawaguchiko and
                                                  circles around Saiko, taking in the Aokigahara  calendar days and includes the retro buses
            plenty of places                      forest and Wind Cave. You can purchase two-day  and the Fujikko bus. Two versions are available:
                                                  passes for 1200 yen, which allow unlimited travel  one that also includes the entire Fujikyu
                that provide                      on both buses from Kawaguchiko station.  Railway Line (3550 yen) and one that includes
                                                    If you want to visit Lake Shojiko and Lake  Fujikyu trains only between Kawaguchiko and
             excellent views                      Motosuko you must take the 'blue' line bus,  Shimoyoshida Station (2550 yen).
                                                  which terminates at the Motosuko Tourist
              the mountain                        Information Centre. A two-day ticket costs  Gear to take
                                                  1500 yen and covers all three bus lines.
                                                                                         Travel light for maximum mobility and
                                                    To visit Lake Yamanakako from Kawaguchiko  ÁH[LELOLW\  SDUWLFXODUO\ LI \RXU WLPH LV OLPLWHG
                    may not                       you must take the Kawaguchiko-Gotemba-  We'd recommend taking one camera plus a lens
                                                  Mishima Line. The one way ride takes   with a moderate zoom range. The illustrations
                co-operate.’                      about 30 minutes and costs around 630 yen.  for this feature were captured with an Olympus
                                                  There are also Fujikko tourist buses which
                                                                                         20 ' ( 0  ,, FDPHUD ÀWWHG ZLWK WKH 0 =XLNR
                                                  depart from Fujisan Station and make an  ED 12-100mm f/4.0 IS PRO lens, which we
                                                  entire circle around Lake Yamanakako. A two-  consider the ideal travel kit.
                                                  day pass is available for 1340 yen.      $Q DOWHUQDWLYH RSWLRQ ZRXOG EH D À[HG OHQV
                                                    Between Fujisan Station and Lake Yamanakako  camera with a similar zoom range. While it might
                                                  is Oshino Hakkai, a village centred on eight ponds,   be tempting to choose an ultra-zoom model,
                                                  which are fed by melt snow from the slopes of   unless you're a keen birder (and there aren't many
                                                  Mount Fuji. The clear spring water is revered by   birds to photograph in the area) the compromises
                                                  the locals and the area becomes crowded with  you must make in lens speed and portability
                                                  visitors on most weekends. There are many  simply aren't worth making.

           Kawaguchiko railway station is the main departure point for all the local bus and train services as well as the terminus
           for the highway buses from Tokyo. The summit of Mount Fuji can be seen clearly behind the station building.

           28   PHOTOREVIEW AUSTRALIA   |   Issue 75
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