Page 28 - Photo Review
P. 28
A view of Mount Fuji framed by the red leaves of the Japanese maple trees on the shore of Lake
Kawaguchiko at Nagasaki Park. (34mm focal length 1/400 second at f/10.)
What to photograph A visit to the Saiko Iyashi-no-sato Nenba When to go
village will provide some interesting subjects
Most visitors will want great shots of Mount Most Westerners see spring as the ideal time
for your camera. Even though it is quite touristy,
Fuji and, while there are plenty of places that to visit Japan, although it's actually wiser to
the traditional buildings provide some nice
provide excellent views, the mountain may not visit in the autumn when the deciduous trees
foregrounds to Mount Fuji in the distance.
co-operate. Although autumn usually provides are in full colour. The cherry blossoms of spring
There are also some nice walks in the nearby
the most stable and predictable weather may only be present for a week to 10 days,
conditions, Fuji-san is notoriously shy. In spring Aokigahara forest, particularly at the Saiko usually between the end of March and the
and summer it can remain hidden by clouds for Wildbird Forest Park, which is one stop further beginning of April; whereas the autumn colours
days on end. on from the Nenba village. start to appear in mid-September in Hokkaido
On a clear day you can secure wonderful <RX OO DOVR ÀQG SOHQW\ RI RSSRUWXQLWLHV (the northern island) and range through from
shots of the mountain seen across one of the for shooting close-ups. Subjects can be as mid-October to early December as you travel
lakes. Look for creative ways to frame the peak diverse as autumn leaves on the trees or on south. You can check the forecast times for the
with leaves and/or interesting foregrounds. WKH JURXQG ODWH ÁRZHULQJ FKU\VDQWKHPXPV year at
Vary your focal length settings to change the the dish of noodles you have for lunch, Summers in most of central Japan can
relative size of the peak within the shot; there's plastic replicas of dishes in the restaurant be very hot and humid and much of the
not much you can do to change your angle ZLQGRZV RU WKH VRXYHQLUV \RX ÀQG LQ WKH ORFDO country experiences a three to four-week
of view of the mountain without taking the shops. The area has a reputation for attractively- rainy season between early June and mid-July,
Kachikachiyama Ropeway or visiting the Fuji packaged sweets, many of which are even more when Mount Fuji can be obscured for days
Subaru Line 5th Station. interesting when you unpack them. on end. Spring ranges from March to May but,