Page 29 - Photo Review
P. 29
A view of Mount Fuji taken from the traditional village of Saiko Iyashi-no-sato Nenba in June on one of the 'lucky' days
when the mountain wasn't totally obscured by the cloud. (21mm focal length 1/320 second at f/9.)
with plenty of festivals to enjoy, many people yourself when exploring the area. There are also The Fuji Hakone Pass (8000 yen) is designed
take holidays so crowds can be a problem. buses to Kawaguchiko from the Shinjuku Station for foreign tourists and provides access from
:LQWHU RIÀFLDOO\ H[WHQGV IURP 'HFHPEHU WR bus terminal as well as from Shibuya Station. Tokyo and transportation within the Fuji Five
February and while the south of Japan usually One or two buses a day, operated by Fujikyu Lakes region and the neighbouring Hakone
has mild conditions, snow usually falls in the and JR Kanto, leave the Yaesu Exit of Tokyo area. It is available at the Odakyu Sightseeing
north and in alpine areas, making these places Station for Kawaguchiko Station. You can also Service Centres at Shinjuku Station in central
popular for winter sports. Hokkaido can be very travel by train, taking the JR Chuo Line train Tokyo and at Odawara Station. Details can be
cold in winter, the time of its famous Ice Festival. from Shinjuku Station to Otsuki and changing found at
to the Fujikyu Railway Line to Kawaguchiko Japanican offers various guided tours from
Getting there Station. The Japan Rail Pass is valid for the Tokyo to the Fuji Five Lakes and Hakone,
For Australians, Japan is easy to visit, with Shinjuku Station to Otsuki leg only. including a popular guided day trip by bus
GLUHFW ÁLJKWV WR 7RN\R IURP 6\GQH\ 0HOERXUQH A number of tour companies offer day trips (12,500 yen) and a guided two day trip with
hotel (from 39,000 yen).
%ULVEDQH DQG &DLUQV RQ PRVW GD\V 0RVW ÁLJKWV between Tokyo and the Fuji Five Lakes area,
from Sydney and Melbourne land at Tokyo's many of them including a stop at the Fuji
Getting around
+DQHGD DLUSRUW DOWKRXJK WKH GLUHFW ÁLJKWV IURP Subaru Line 5th Station, located at the 2305
Brisbane and Cairns land at Narita. metre point on the 3773 metre mountain. This There are plenty of buses that leave at regular
Highway buses run from both Haneda and LV WKH KLJKHVW SRLQW YHKLFXODU WUDIÀF FDQ UHDFK intervals from the forecourt of Kawaguchiko
Narita at roughly 60 to 90 minute intervals taking and a popular starting point for climbers during railway station to take you to all of the lakes
you to Kawaguchiko, the best place to base the brief summer climbing season. in the system and the main vantage points for