Page 27 - Photo Review
P. 27


                                                                                             About Fuji Five Lakes
                                                                                             7KH ÀYH ODNHV LQ WKH V\VWHP DUH /DNH
                                                                                             Kawaguchiko, Lake Yamanakako, Lake
                                                                                             Saiko, Lake Shojiko and Lake Motosuko, all
                                                                                             located at the northern base of Mount Fuji.
                                                                                             All were formed hundreds of years ago
                                                                                             E\ ODYD ÁRZV ZKLFK GDPPHG XS ULYHUV
                                                                                             during Mount Fuji's multiple eruptions.
                                                                                               Lake Yamanakako is the largest of the
                                                                                             Fuji Five Lakes but Lake Kawaguchiko
                                                                                             is the most easily accessible and best
                                                                                             setup for tourism. The smaller lakes,
                                                                                             Saiko, Shojiko and Motosuko are
                                                                                             connected via underground waterways
                                                                                             and maintain the same surface level of
                                                                                             900 metres above sea level.
                                                                                               The best views of Mount Fuji are from
                                                                                             the northern shores of lakes Kawaguchiko
                                                                                             and Yamanakako. Lake Saiko is
                                                                                             surrounded by wooded mountains,
                                                                                             although good views of the volcano can
                                                                                             be obtained from the lake's western end.
                                                                                               Sandwiched between Lake Motosuko
                                                                                             and Lake Saiko, Lake Shojiko is the
                                                                                             smallest of the Fuji Five Lakes and
                                                                                             relatively undeveloped. The best views of
                                                                                             Mount Fuji are obtained from its northern
                                                                                             shore and there is a walking trail near the
                                                                                             Panorama-dai-shita bus stop that takes
                                                                                             you up to the Panorama-dai lookout,
                                                                                             which can provide great views of Mount
                                                                                             Fuji and the surrounding landscape.
                                                                                             It takes 60-90 minutes to make the climb.
                                                                                               Lake Motosuko is the westernmost of
                                                                                             WKH ÀYH ODNHV DQG ODUJHO\ XQGHYHORSHG
                                                                                             It is famous for the view of the mountain
                                                                                             from the lake's north-western shore
                                                                                             that appears on Japan's 1000 yen bill.
                                                                                             6DGO\  LW LV GLIÀFXOW WR UHDFK WKLV SRLQW E\
                                                                                             public transport.

                                                                                  PHOTOREVIEW AUSTRALIA   |   Issue 75
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