Page 22 - Photo Review
P. 22
‘Cybele’, commissioned portrait of a wonderfully creative family.
I love being collaborative. Working with sent me her father’s tragic life story and I feel
other creative people is very rewarding because very privileged to have been trusted with it. ‘I love being
just being around them enriches your life so I have old photos, the eulogy she read at his
much. You have to keep reinventing and pushing funeral, her memories… It’s lovely to think that collaborative.
\RXUVHOI ZKDWHYHU ÀHOG \RX·UH LQ 7KDW·V ZK\ P\ some people get what I’m doing to that degree.
photography has gone in the directions it has. Working with
On the technical side, I assume
I get bored quite easily. Sometimes someone
you use Photoshop. And what kind
asks me to do the same thing again and I think, other creative
‘Really? I’ve done that.’ of cameras?
I also like working with bands on publicity and Photoshop and my Mac computer are my friends.
CD cover shots. That can be creative and they They do what I used to do in the darkroom. people is very
don’t mind having a laugh. As for camera gear, I’m not so into it. I’ll have
to get them out to tell you what they are… I have rewarding
Are you a photographer full-time? a couple of Nikon D700 cameras with 150-600,
Just before the ‘Between the Tides’ exhibition, 24-120 and 70-200mm telephoto lenses. Also a because just
I gave up my day job in disability and employment PDFUR IRU ÁRZHUV DQG LQVHFWV EXW , GRQ·W NQRZ
services. Making that commitment has been a ZKDW >IRFDO OHQJWK@ WKDW LV DQG , FDQ·W ÀQG LW
good motivator. It must be in the camper trailer. being around
In England I trained as an artist and
w To see more of Sue Daley’s photography,
photographer, but I went into different avenues them enriches
of education and disability services. I used to
teach unruly kids art. Now I’m full-time creative, your life so
it will be interesting to see what happens with it.
I have one particular commission from much.’
England to create a montage. A woman has