Page 120 - Metro
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If a company like Netflix or Amazon
                                                                   comes to town asking for subscribers,
                                                                   wielding budgets in the billions and
                                                                   tacking ‘Australia’ onto the end of its
                                                                   name, it must match those overtures
                                                                   with an actual investment in local

                                                                   &TLAKDR, ,@JN ,DQL@HCR   M ' .  CUDMSTQD, 6GHSD 1@AAHS
                                                                   /QNIDBS and the forthcoming +DFDMC NE ,NMJDX  NLGV SUR
                                                                   JUDPPLQJ LV HYLGHQWO\ WKH WHVWLQJ JURXQG  1HWĻL[ DOVR SLFNHG
                                                                   up the ABC’s 3GD "NCD and ,HRR %HRGDQ R ,TQCDQ ,XRSDQHDR
                                                                   for global distribution.
                                                                     It’s no coincidence that, shortly after ,HRR %HRGDQ gained
                                                                   D IRRWKROG LQ WKH 86 t WHOHYLVLRQ FULWLFV SUDLVHG LW VR PXFK
                                                                   that 3GD &T@QCH@M proclaimed it had ‘conquered America’ –
                                                                   LWV VWDU  (VVLH 'DYLV  ODQGHG D UROH RQ +%2 EHKHPRWK &@LD
                                                                   NE 3GQNMDR  +HUH  ZH VHH DQRWKHU KXJH EHQHĺW RIIHUHG E\ WKH
                                                                   1HWĻL[ EXPS  H[SRVLQJ $XVWUDOLDQ WDOHQW WR D ZLGHU  LQWHUQD
                                                                   tional audience.

                                                                   :LWK WKH XQYHLOLQJ RI LWV )R[WHO 1RZ VWUHDPLQJ VHUYLFH LQ -XQH
                                                                         )R[WHO LV ĺQDOO\ LQ WKH SURFHVV RI FXWWLQJ WKH FRUG LQ
                                                                   $XVWUDOLD  /LNH 1HWĻL[ DQG 6WDQ  LW KDV D OLEUDU\ RI LQWHUQD
                                                                   tional offerings but is only recently beginning to boost its
                                                                   $XVWUDOLDQ VODWH  'XULQJ LWV WUDQVLWLRQ IURP FDEOH WR VWUHDP
                                                                   ing, Foxtel has launched several local originals, including
                                                                   6DMSVNQSG, .ODM 2K@SGDQ,  TRSQ@KH@ R -DWS 3NO ,NCDK, 3GD
                                                                   1D@K 'NTRDVHUDR NE ,DKANTQMD,   /K@BD SN "@KK 'NLD, 3GD
                                                                   *DSSDQHMF (MBHCDMS and 2DBQDS "HSX. It’s an impressive list,
                                                                   but it’s worth keeping in mind that Foxtel has channels with
                                                                   WZHQW\ IRXU KRXUV ZRUWK RI SURJUDPPLQJ WR ĺOO  ,W DOVR VWLOO
                                                                   offers channels that can be streamed live as part of differ
                                                                   HQW )R[WHO 1RZ SDFNDJHV  EXW WKHUHpV QR GHQ\LQJ WKDW WKH
                                                                   SURYLGHUpV PLQGVHW LV PRYLQJ DZD\ IURP LWV FDEOH WHOHYLVLRQ
                                                                   VXEVFULSWLRQ PRGHO DQG WRZDUGV 692'
                                                                     One of the biggest drawcards for Foxtel’s new life as
                                                                   streaming provider is its FremantleMedia Australia–produced,
                                                                   6FUHHQ $XVWUDOLDtIXQGHG WHOHYLVLRQ UHPDNH RI WKH LFRQLF
                                                                   $XVWUDOLDQ ĺOP /HBMHB @S '@MFHMF 1NBJ  3HWHU :HLU
                                                                   VHW WR DLU WKLV \HDU  $PD]RQ KDV DFTXLUHG 86 GLVWULEXWLRQ
                                                                   rights, in a commercial deal reputed to be the largest ever
                                                                   IRU DQ $XVWUDOLDQ VHULHV   10

                                                                   The ABC and Amazon
                                                                   $%& LYLHZ DFWV SULPDULO\ DV D FDWFK XS VHUYLFH IRU WKH QHW
                                                                   work’s broadcast programs, with the exception of 1@JD,
                                                                   #NBSNQ 6GN and "K@RR, which screen on iview before their
                                                                   WLPHVORWV RQ IUHH WR DLU  %XW WKH $%& LV DOVR FRPPLVVLRQ
                                                                   ing original shows exclusive to its streaming platform under
        Previous spread, from top: Picnic at Hanging Rock  &OXTEL    the banners of ‘ABC Arts’ and ‘iview Presents’. The most
        Wentworth  &OXTEL  Above, from top: Wolf Creek (Stan); The  KLJK SURĺOH H[DPSOH LV WKH VHFRQG VHDVRQ RI 3GD *@SDQHMF
        Other Guy (Stan); Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries  !"# .ETFLIX
                                                                   2GNV t FUHDWHG E\ DQG VWDUULQJ .DWH 0F&DUWQH\ DQG .DWH
                                                                   0F/HQQDQ t ZKLFK  DIWHU JDLQLQJ DWWHQWLRQ RQ <RX7XEH  PDGH
                                                                   WKH OHDS WR LYLHZ LQ       DQG VSXUUHG WKH      VSLQ RII VH
                                                                   ries &DS *Q@BJŪM. While the ABC has been chipping away at
                                                                   feeding original programming into iview, there’s still room for

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