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                                                     Rewriting the ‘Haunted’ Narrative

                                                     in Florian Habicht’s Spookers
                                                     (MSDMCHMF SN OQNjKD @ GNQQNQ SGDLDC @LTRDLDMS
                                                     park situated on the grounds of a former psy-
                                                     chiatric hospital, Florian Habicht instead found
                                                     himself documenting a homely refuge for in-
                                                     CHUHCT@KR VGN CNM S jS RNBHDSX R L@HMRSQD@L
                                                     mould. In conversation with the writer/director,
                                                     6WHSKHQ $ 5XVVHOO delves into this enthral-
                                                     KHMF jKL  VGHBG HR ITRS @R TMBNMUDMSHNM@K @R
                                                     SGD ?E@LHKX  HS G@R AQNTFGS SN SGD RBQDDM

                                                     %HUOLQ ERUQ  1HZ =HDODQGtUDLVHG ZULWHU GLUHFWRU )ORULDQ +DELFKW
                                                     isn’t one for following traditional narratives. An artist by train
                                                     LQJ DQG LQVSLUHG E\ WKH 6ZLQJLQJ 6L[WLHV SKRWRJUDSK\ RI KLV
                                                     IDPRXV IDWKHU  )UDQN  KHpV D VHOI WDXJKW ĺOPPDNHU ZKR UHYHOV LQ
                                                     experimentation born of a sprightly fascination with getting out
                                                     and just doing.
                                                        , PHHW +DELFKW LQ WKH EXVWOLQJ IR\HU RI D 6SULQJ 6WUHHW KRWHO
                                                     GXULQJ WKH 0HOERXUQH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )LOP )HVWLYDO  KLV JDQJO\ DS
                                                     pearance, eccentric fashion and mullet, capped with a feath
                                                     ered hat, match his reputation. He chuckles as we look out of a
                                                     ĻRRU WR FHLOLQJ ZLQGRZ DW WKH DUFKHG IDFDGH RI WKH 2OG 7UHDVXU\
                                                     Building. ‘I always had my own camera,’ he tells me. ‘I loved to
                                                     get out and shoot something, and then try and make sense of it
                                                     – get some funding to complete it and write it more in the edit.’
                                                     It’s unsurprising, then, that his latest documentary, 2ONNJDQR
                                                             EHDUV OLWWOH UHVHPEODQFH WR WKH ĺOP KH RULJLQDOO\ SLWFKHG
                                                     in funding applications.
                                                        ,QLWLDOO\ HQYLVLRQHG DV D SURĺOH RI NRRN\ IRUPHU VKHHS IDUP
                                                     HUV %HWK DQG $QG\ :DWVRQ DQG WKHLU DEDQGRQHG SODQV WR H[
                                                     SDQG WKHLU HSRQ\PRXV $XFNODQG KDXQWHG KRXVH DWWUDFWLRQ
                                                     to Melbourne, 2ONNJDQR arose following a suggestion from
                                                     0DGPDQ (QWHUWDLQPHQWpV 6X]DQQH :DONHU  ZKR ZHQW RQ WR
                                                     EHFRPH D SURGXFHU RQ WKH ĺOP  6KH KDG KHDUG 1HZ =HDODQG
                                                     IULHQGV UDYLQJ DERXW WKH LQFUHGLEOH PDNH XS  FRVWXPHV DQG
                                                     performances of the 280 employees who conjure up terrifying

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