Page 22 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 22




              Aviation is progressive, iterations of design and procedure evolving

                to defeat limitations.  Robin Evans investigates how the unique
           problems posed by the development of Concorde required exceptional
              solutions, many of which are now commonplace in modern aircraft.

       I  nno                               Above: ‘V1...Rotate!’  Take-off from JFK with full   the withdrawal of support being another
                                                                                the withdrawal of support being another
          nnovations gradually recede into vations gradually recede into
                                            reheat – full vortex lift is now being generated.
                                                                                catalyst for eventual retirement.
          obsolescence but Concorde is that
          obsolescence but Concorde is that
                                                                                catalyst for eventual retirement.
                                            Leonid Faerberg / Transport-Photo Images
          rare thing, a benchmark that remains
                                                                                  The proposal for a Mach 2.0 airliner
       Iunequalled and unsurpassed: both
       past icon and future vision.  It was retired in   Aérospatiale) and the British Aircraft   carrying 100 passengers required
                                                                                extraordinary solutions.  Motivated by an
       2003 and  rst  ew in 1969 yet its in uence   Corporation (BAC).  In November 1962 a   agreed lack of break clause (politically at
       is still felt today on more recent aircraft   treaty was signed that uni ed the intent   least, here was a take-off that couldn’t be
       designs.  Plus supersonic speed still has   and early designs (the Super-Caravelle   rejected) the Anglo-French team made
       its appeal with a crop of start-ups looking   and Bristol Type 223) of both parties.  The   unprecedented efforts on slide rules and
       at potential civil aircraft designs.  Concorde   importance of partnership was echoed    rst-generation computers.  Of the advances
       was an incredibly futuristic aircraft that still   in the formation of Airbus Industrie later   to rise from drawing boards on both sides of
       inspires.                            in the decade.  The history of Concorde   the Channel, some were new, others already
         Concorde was forged in the heady   is intrinsically linked to Airbus (and also   in development or borrowed from military
       crucible of post-war engineering: a   to Toulouse and Filton) as the company   applications.  Some remain today, pioneering
       partnership between Sud Aviation (later   maintained parts support for Concorde –   what we take now for granted.
     22                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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