Page 25 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 25

So perfect was the design there was no                                   after absorbing the energy of stopping such
      need for slats and flaps, unthinkable on an                              a mass from high take-off speeds during an
      airliner in normal operation.                                            aborted take-off at maximum weight.
        Despite British wing-building pedigree                                   Messier-Dowty produced the undercarriage
      (Hawker-Siddeley was brought in for the                                  while Dunlop developed pioneering carbon
      inaugural Airbus A300 in 1974) the wing                                  brakes.  These electrically commanded,
      was French-made.  A process of milling                                   hydraulically operated, analogue brake-by-
      and shaping specialist aluminium alloy                                   wire systems were lighter, more powerful
      produced significant weight saving and                                   and cooled by internal fans.  Innovative at
      finer tolerances, avoiding the weaknesses                                the time, they are standard fit on modern
      of welds or riveted joints.  The constant                                airliners.
      drive for lightweight construction seems                                   The characteristic nose-high approach
      particularly prescient in our fuel price                                 attitude was a function of the wing geometry,
      motivated climate.  Externally, the leading                              severely reducing forward visibility from the
      edge of the wing is so sharp there was                                   flight deck.  The only possible solution was
      no room for navigation lights; these are                                 to droop the nose to 12.5° for approach and
      mounted inside and fed to the leading edge                               landing, with an intermediate 5° position
      by fibre-optics.                                                         aiding taxiing and take-off.  Furthermore,
        In common with predominantly military                                  as the ground clearance getting airborne
      deltas (and also the only direct comparison,                             dictated the undercarriage length, this
      the short-lived, Soviet Tu-144) it has only                              meant gear legs too long to fit into the
      a vertical tail.  Removing the horizontal                                available space.  Again, an unconventional
      stabilizer minimises drag, instead control                               solution arose: when commanded up, the
      was provided by six ‘elevons’ on the                                     landing gear first broke a geometric lock that
      wing trailing edge.  These provide partial                               retracted the shock-absorber assemblies
      trimming (along with fuel balancing) and                                 into the gear legs, thus shortening them.
      via differential deflection all pitch and roll.                          A tailwheel completed the ‘four greens’
      The individual deflections of controls were   The nosewheel strut retracts forward   necessary for landing and offered a
      indicated on an instrument called the ‘Icovol’   conventionally.  This allows it to deploy with   sacrificial component; excessive pitch
      (French origin ‘indicateur a vol’) on the flight   the aid of the slipstream in the event of the   on touchdown would otherwise result in
      deck.  A digital version of this instrument is   hydraulic system failing.  ground contact of the engine nozzles.  An
      the basis of the Airbus ECAM (Electronic                                 interlock isolated the undercarriage while
      Centralised Aircraft Monitoring) Flight   UNDERCARRIAGE                  the visor was raised, preventing inadvertent
      Controls display page.               Huge forces were involved, not only in mass   deployment at high speed.
        Flight controls were fly-by-wire, a first   (maximum take-off weight was 185 tonnes)
      for a commercial airliner – control inputs   but the speeds required for take-off.  As the   FUSELAGE AND MATERIALS
      digitized and fed to hydraulic actuators   speed and lift generated by a conventional   At subsonic speed there is only a slight
      electrically, not mechanically.  In future,   wing increase, the undercarriage is   drag penalty from an increase in fuselage
      the removal of pulleys and cables would   progressively unloaded: this phenomenon   width, handy for widebodied aircraft.
      save much weight, but physical controls   can be observed on take-off in turboprops as   Approaching Mach 1.0 however, the physics
      remained for this pioneering system,   the landing gear struts gradually extend.  On   change and a slender fuselage (denoted by
      though unused in normal operation.     Concorde, the vortex lift generated only   ‘Fineness Ratio’ – the ratio of the length of a
      With one exception, digital systems     became significant at rotation speed;   streamlined body to its maximum diameter)
      were analogue (sine wave) rather than    up until that point there was little lift to   becomes critical.  A specialist aluminium
      digital (binary).  The first all-digital   progressively overcome the aircraft   alloy, RR.58, patented by Rolls-Royce was
      fly-by-wire system became the heart        weight.  Another problem specific   used as a compromise between cost, ability
      of the A320 flight envelope protection      to Concorde was that steel brake   to be machined and good temperature
      system, first flown in 1987.                 discs tended to fuse together   resistance.  Production models typically
                                                               Condensation briefly billows above the wing on approach.  This view
                                                              shows the tailwheel deployed and nose droop in landing configuration.
                                                                One of the unusual features of Concorde’s design was that it did not
                                                                     have flaps or slats.  Yevgeny Pashnim / Transport-Photo Images


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