Page 26 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 26

clocked up 20,000  ight                                                                Concorde, actively
       hours (about half the                                                                   mitigating the ‘bowing’
       design life) but were also                                                              of the Olympus main
       monitored by a ‘reference                                                               shafts was critical, given
        ight’ index that factored                                                             their  ne construction
       cycles based upon                                                                       tolerances for optimum
       weight.                                                                                 performance.  A function
         Additional fatigue                                                                    of metallurgical diversity,
       modelling accounted                                                                     variable rates of thermal
       for the thermal cycles                                                                  expansion could cause
       experienced: initially                                                                  a slight warping along
       cooling at altitude, then                                                               the length of the shaft,
       heating upon supersonic                                                                 resulting in vibration
       acceleration, reversing                                                                 and more insidiously,
       upon descent and                                                                        metal fatigue.  This effect
       deceleration.  Kinetic                                                                  was most apparent
       heating restricted the                                                                  post-shutdown after
       maximum speed (nose                                                                     several hours on the
       and leading edge                                                                        ground, when the effects
       temperatures typically                                                                  of variable cooling
       peaked at 130°C and 105°C) but at Mach   The variable geometry engine nozzles   were most pronounced.  To combat this
                                            rotate for use as thrust reversers and, when
       2.0, heating was also by solar radiation,   airborne, work in combination with the   phenomena, engines could be started and
       hence a white livery to re ect maximum   engine inlets to optimise engine efficiency.  latched at a speed below idle, allowing all
       heat.  With increasing speed, the balance                                components to equalise: hence the  ight
       changes, requiring more heat to be   of their precise position in response to Mach   engineer’s de-bow function.  A pre-start
       radiated, hence the colour of the SR-71   shockwave onset.               motoring sequence for thermal stabilisation
       Blackbird.                             Snecma Moteurs contributed the reheat   still occurs on some jet engines, including
                                            and nozzle mechanisms.  A variable   the CFM LEAP-1A  tted to the A320neo.
       POWERPLANT                           geometry nozzle allowed reverse thrust   There is no auxiliary power unit (APU)
       The term ‘powerplant’ is most appropriate   upon landing and was synchronized with   as the bulk of the tail contains the tail-wheel
       for a unique combination of three elements:   the intakes to boost system efficiency.    unit and fuel trim tank, impractical in the high
       intake system, engine and exhaust nozzles.    Reheat was used for take-off and transonic   intensity, faster rotations of modern airline
       Olympus: even the name for the heart of this   acceleration above Mach 1: design elegance   operations.  For the  ight crew Concorde
       unholy trinity evokes the crackle of thunder,   and the hugely efficient intake system   offered a full-regime autopilot and linked
       tracing a pedigree from the Avro Vulcan and   allowed a sustained supercruise (without   autothrottle, permitting a reduced workload
       BAC TSR2.  Rolls-Royce produced the  nal   reheat), a feat only matched in the civilian   in all phases of  ight.  This was harnessed
       Mk.593 using titanium and nickel-based   market by the Tu-144.           to a complex air data computer that
       superalloys to resist huge temperatures and   An unusual problem was detected very   automatically monitored parameters and fed
       compression ratios.  Engines were analogue   late on: vibration of engine No.4 caused by   them to related systems.  Both are key in the
       thrust-by-wire, the predecessor of Full   the opposing rotations of the wing vortex   modern, integrated  ight deck.
       Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)   and the engine compressors.  The port   Aerospace has changed a lot since the
        tted even to light aircraft today.  engines received a vortex rotating the other   1960s; progress now focuses upon metrics
         The intakes are huge, containing ramps   way and No.3 was inboard, further from   such as economy, turnaround times and
       that would extend inwards beyond Mach   the leading edge air ow.  A modi cation of   load factor.  Appropriately for the decade
       1.0 slowing the incoming air to a speed the   inlet vanes and a thrust restriction at low   concerned, there are clear parallels with
       engines could ingest.  As a by-product, this   speeds resolved this.  On take-off, the reheat   President Kennedy’s speech that instigated
       also compressed the air ow, boosting the    ame of the No.4 engine could initially be   Project Apollo – “we choose to go to the
       efficiency of the system.  In a world  rst,   seen to glow weaker than the other three:   moon…not because it will be easy, but
       ramps and their related ducts were digitally   the relevant gauge on the  ight deck had a   because it will be hard”.  Never before had the
       controlled (computers lifted from BAC guided   coloured tab  tted as a reminder.  giant leaps of a terrestrial aircraft pioneered
       weapons systems) due to the critical nature   Whilst already understood prior to   so many smaller steps along the way.
                                                            Here Concorde is rapidly accelerating after take-off.  The reheat is not yet
        We wish to thank  the Runway Visitor Park at       switched off for noise abatement, the main undercarriage is retracting and
        Manchester Airport and Aeroscopia Musée                 already telescopically withdrawn. Noret
        Aéronautique at Toulouse Blagnac Airport for their
        assistance in accessing their Concordes to take
        some of the images used in this article.

     26                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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