Page 52 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 52


                                             Aer Lingus DC-3 Flashback

        Douglas DC-3 ZS-NTE, painted in period Aer
        Lingus colours to represent EI-ACD.  Aer Lingus
       A Douglas DC-3 wearing period Aer Lingus   she operated her  rst  ight on a DC-3 and   until sold on the civilian market in 1995.  It
       colours took part in the Foynes Air Show   even met her late husband Dinny on board   underwent a major rebuild in 2009-2010 and
       (July 22) and Bray Air Display (July 22-  when he was serving as an Aer Lingus   was then operated by Springbok Classic
       23) in Ireland.  The aircraft, ZS-NTE, had   second officer.  Stephen Kavanagh, Aer   Air on nostalgia  ights and for airshow
       been invited from its base at Zweibrücken   Lingus Chief Executive said: “This event gives   appearances.  It was purchased by German
       in Germany by the Irish Historic Flight   us the opportunity to re ect Ireland’s proud   businessman Peter Adrian in May 2015.
       Foundation (IHFF) which was keen to   aviation heritage, the tradition of service at   In addition to Aer Lingus, the IHFF
       celebrate the DC-3 and its contribution to   Aer Lingus and to remember all those who   received support from ASL Aviation Holdings,
       Irish Aviation.  It was ferried from its base to   have contributed to the success story that is   International Aerospace Coatings which
       Shannon on June 13 and re-painted in Aer   Aer Lingus today.”  The aircraft also  ew into   applied the paint, Mankiewicz Gebr & Co
       Lingus colours to represent EI-ACD St Gall.    Weston Airport in Dublin for events with the   supplied the paint, CAE PARC provided the
       On July 20 Aer Lingus welcomed the aircraft   Irish Historic Flight.     paint drawings, Max Decals the DC-3 artwork
       into its Hangar 6 home at Dublin Airport.  The   The carrier took delivery of its  rst DC-3 in   and International Aero Inspection weighed
       airline marked the arrival of the aircraft with   April 1940, making it the  fth aircraft type to   the aircraft.
       a short  ight over Dublin Bay with Margaret   be operated by the airline.  A total of 19 DC-  After the airshows the DC-3 returned
       McLoone (a former Aer Lingus air hostess   3s were  own by Aer Lingus until 1964.  to Germany on July 24, but will retain the
       between 1952-1955)  ying on the old airliner   The 1943-vintage aircraft spent most of   Aer Lingus colours for at least three years.
       once again.  Then known as Margaret Bergin,   its career with the South African Air Force   Malcolm Nason

                    Canadian Hornet for Scampton Airshow

        One of the stand-out attendees at the   static), while another example – this time   Historical Squadron will send FB.52 and
        Scampton Airshow, on September 9-10,   from the Belgian Defence - Air Component   T.55 Vampires.  Visitors will also be treated
        will be a Royal Canadian Air Force CF-188   will be  ying, as will a French Air Force Alpha   to some classic Cold War types in the static
        Hornet in the static park.  Other military   Jet.  A host of civilian-operated historic types   with the resident Hawker Hunter Aviation
        aircraft con rmed so far are two Royal   are due to display, including Kennet Aviation’s   showing a F-4F Phantom II, Su-22M-4,
        Netherlands Air Force F-16s (also in the   A1D Skyraider, and the Norwegian Air Force   Buccaneer S.2B and Hunter Mk.58.

        Festival of Flight                     Special Scheme Danish Lynx

        The Biggin Hill Festival of Flight takes place
        on August 19 and 20 and among the display
        aircraft will be a Czech Air Force Saab JAS
        39 Gripen and two Mil-24 Hind helicopters.
        There will also be a Belgian Defence – Air
        Component F-16 Fighting Falcon, while
        visitors on the Sunday will be treated to
        the French Air Force Patrouille de France
        display team with its nine Alpha Jets.
           The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight will
        be present, marking the 60th anniversary
        of its creation at RAF Biggin Hill in 1957.    Two Royal Danish Air Force Super Lynx Mk.90Bs, S-134 and S-191 were in the static park of
        Carl Hope                           the RNAS Yeovilton Air Day on July 8.  The latter wore special markings to celebrate the Lynx in
                                            Danish service since 1980.  Peter R Foster

     52                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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