Page 48 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 48

Two B-29s making history at
       Oshkosh, Doc (right) and Fi .
       All photos Jay Selman unless stated

       RECORD-BREAKING                                                                  Jay Selman
                                                                                          reports on
      OSHKOSH                                                                       hugely successful
                                                                                          this year’s


       F      or one week a small regional airport eek a small regional airport   Above: A rare American-registered Mil Mi-2   This was said by commentators to be the
                                                                                This was said by commentators to be the
              or one w
                                                                                 rst time this trio had appeared  ying in
              in the US, about 175 miles (281km)
                                            (N211PZ) showed up this year.
                                                                                formation at a non-military air show.
              north of Chicago, became the
       Fbusiest in the world.
                                                                                  At the other end of the spectrum was
                                            with an estimated 600,000 visitors, 5% up
         The traffic was generated by EAA   Chairman, said it was a record-setting year,   a display from three F-86s: NX188RL,
       (Experimental Aircraft Association)   on the previous year.  Through Saturday,   CWF86-F-30-NA from the Warbird Heritage
       AirVenture Oshkosh 2017, which ran from   more than 15,500 aircraft movements were   Foundation/Coleman Warbird Museum;
       July 24 to July 30.  It attracted some of   recorded.                    N50CJ, Canadair F-86E MK.6, owned by
       the world’s most awe-inspiring displays   Aircraft and vehicle parking areas  lled   Sabrejet, and N48178 (FU-178), F-86A from
       where new aircraft and acts joined old   up faster than ever before and, on the   Heritage Air – built in 1948 and the oldest
       favourites.                          Saturday, new car park areas were opened   jet aircraft in the world still  ying.  Equally
         The good weather, apart from one day   for the  rst time.             as rare were the two P-63 King Cobras
       which saw a couple of downpours, matched   One of the most notable sights was   and a P-39 Airacobra.  There are only two
       the whole occasion.                  the formation of three USAF bombers, the    yable P-39s and four airworthy P-63s left
         Jack Pelton, EAA Chief Executive and   B-52H, B-1B and B-2A in the sky together.    in the world.
     48                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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