Page 50 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 50
Two P-63s (N6763 and NX191H) and a
P-39 (N6968), all owned by the American
Airpower Heritage Flying Museum,
appear together in formation.
Above: A rare American-registered Dornier DO28 A-1 (N12828) from
Fulwiler Air was an interesting visitor.
Left: Flagship Detroit DC-3A (NC17334), owned by the Flagship
Detroit Foundation, was originally built for American Airlines, with the
passenger door located on the right-hand side of the fuselage.
Bottom: Probably the strangest-looking aircraft was the Scaled
Composites Proteus (N281PR), designed by innovator Burt Rutan. It
was rst own in 1998 and was designed as a high-altitude, long-
duration telecommunications relay platform.
accident. An A-10, F-35, and two P-51s Scout. A total of 12 were built in the late Perhaps the most noteworthy evening
performed a Missing Man tribute to Lenoch 1940s, and it was the last production involved a panel discussion about Project
and Root. propeller-driven aircraft constructed by the Apollo, which succeeded in putting a
manufacturer. This is the only one that man on the Moon. Seven of the original
STAR TURN remains ying. astronauts who were involved in the
On a much brighter note, this year’s Each night, Theater in the Woods pioneering space ights took part.
headliner was the US Navy’s Blue hosted educational events. Presentations Which aircraft travelled the furthest to
Angels. Other rsts included a Falcon 8X included a tribute to the life and times of attend? Arguably that distinction went to
demonstrator, as well as an RAF Airbus Bob Hoover and a salute to the men of the Breitling DC-3-277B (HB-IRJ) from
A400M Atlas. the Doolittle raid on the 75th anniversary Switzerland, which ew east via Asia and
Aircraft designer Burt Rutan’s name is of this remarkable combat mission. across the Paci c Ocean. It was delivered
often synonymous with odd-looking aircraft, Sixteen B-25 bombers took off from a to American Airlines in 1940, and served
and his high-altitude Proteus was certainly US Navy carrier to bomb Tokyo, just four with with several operators, including Trans-
no exception. Also high on the “unusual- months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Texas Airways and Provincetown-Boston
looking aircraft list” was the Boeing L-15 Harbor. Airlines (PBA).
50 Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017
48-50_oshkoshDC.mfDC.mfDC.indd 50 04/08/2017 16:15