Page 49 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 49
Doc’s restoration appeared in the November
2016 issue of Aviation News).
The lives of two great aviators who
died during the last 12 months, were
marked by special ights. The legendary
Bob Hoover passed away, aged 94, on
October 25, 2016. A World War Two
ghter pilot, USAF test pilot, and a test/
demonstration pilot for North American
Aviation, he was instrumental in the
development of the manufacturer’s
T-28 Trojan and F-86 Sabre. Later,
Above left: The Breitling DC-3A-277B (HB-IRJ)
arrived at AirVenture 2017 having own via
Asia and the Paci c from Switzerland.
Left: A bright pink Velocity (N222RW) at
Oshkosh owned by Watkins Billy Ray Jr.
Centre: For the rst time at a non-military air
show, a USAF B-52H, B-1B and B-2A ew in
formation together. Photo by Rob Olewinski-
Below: Three F-86s in formation, including
N48178/FU-178, which is now the oldest jet
aircraft in the world still ying.
he thrilled airshow crowds around the
Above: The Heritage Flight, consisting of ‘One of the most One of the most he thrilled airshow crowds around the
past and present ghter aircraft, is a tradition world by performing aerobatics in an
at AirVenture. The formation is shown on Aero Commander. To honour his life’s
July 25 when a Missing Man tribute to Vlado notable sights accomplishments, AirVenture performers
Lenoch and Bethany Root was own. ew a four-ship comprising a P-51, T-28,
Above right: The show’s B-17G (N5017N) appears was the formation F-86, and Aero Commander.
Just days before AirVenture, the aviation
each year, offering joyrides to eager enthusiasts. of three USAF world was shocked by the loss of one of
B-29s the most highly respected, popular and
AirVenture 2017 featured the rst formation bombers, the talented performers of this era, Vlado
of two B-29s in recent memory, as newly Lenoch, aged 64. He was killed on July 16,
restored Doc (N69972, owned by Doc’s B-52H, B-1B while ying P-51D Baby Duck. Bethany
Friends) joined Fi (N69972, American Root, 34, manager of the Amelia Earhart
Airpower Heritage Museum) in the skies and B-2A’ Memorial (Atchison) Airport, and herself
above Oshkosh. (An article documenting an accomplished pilot, also died in the 49
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