Page 15 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 15

hiEroglyphs                            linEar    a

                                                   Egypt’s ‘sacred writing’ is developed by priests   Found mainly in Crete, Linear A is used
                                                   as a way of recording events on the walls of   to record
                                                   temples. It was used in several different forms   a language
                                                   for some 3,600 years until 400 CE.     spoken in
                                                                                          the ancient
            mud    marks                                                                  eastern
                                                                                          but it has not
            In Mesopotamia, the Sumerians develop
                                                                                          been identified
            syllabic writing in the form of wedge-shaped or
                                                                                          and the script
            cuneiform marks made with reeds in soft mud,
            which is then baked. The system is used to
            records many other languages in the Middle East.
     c.3400 BcE                              c.3200 BcE                           c.2100-1700 BcE

                                 chinEsE:               linEar    B                ThE firsT alphaBET

                                 finding                Derived from the           The earliest example of a phonetic alphabet was
                                 mEaning      in        undeciphered Linear A, this   recorded in a cave in the Egyptian desert in the
                                                                                   Wadi el-Hol valley. Written in a Semitic language
                                                        script with 87 syllabic signs
                                 crackEd                and 100 other ‘signifier’ signs   that’s yet to be deciphered, the text appears
                                                                                   alongside traditional Egyptian glyphs.
                                                        is used to record the language
                                 shElls                 of the Mycenaean Greeks.
                                 During the Shang dynasty,
                                 signs scratched by diviners
                                 record the supposed
                                 meanings of cracks in the
                                 fire-scorched shells of
                                 turtles. A few signs survive
                                 and have since evolved
                                 into modern ideograms.

      c.1200 BcE                                  c.1450 BcE                 c.1800 BcE

          korEa’s    ‘grEaT    scripT’       guTEnBErg’s        rEvoluTion garamond’s                nEw    dEsign

          The Korean alphabet, known as Hangul   Gutenberg                         In France, Claude Garamond, an engraver of punches,
          or ‘Great Script’, is devised by the king,   prints the                  produces a new typeface
                                 Sejong.     Bible in the                          based on Roman models.
                                 He was      first significant                     His design — and
                                 inspired by   use of                              other similar ones by
                                 the need to   printing with                       contemporaries — has
                                 escape the   movable type.                        made Garamond-style
                                 difficulties   His choice                         typefaces
                                 of using    of Gothic                             among         Today,
                                                                                                4 billion
                                 Chinese     typeface                              the most
                                                                                              people use the
                                 to write    will endure                           popular    Latin alphabet.
                                 Korean and   in Germany                           of those   Another 2 billion
                                 it is still in   until the 20th                   in use     use letter-based
                                 use today.  century.                              today.
      1444                                1454                                1530-45

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