Page 22 - Hola_USA
P. 22
he general public
his own company, 4Kids Entertainment,
ing, which is right in front of his home. “It
doesn’t know his name,
was a game called ‘Pocket Monsters’ when
he discovered this interesting game.
but without Alfred (Al) Khan, the lives he gazes off toward the Empire State Build- big executive and marketing expert with
of the last two generations of children I discovered it in Japan and I thought that “I wasn’t new on the job. I had brought
would have been very different. They it might work in the rest of the world.” on Nintendo and Cabbage Patch Kids,
wouldn’t know about Nintendo, the Teen- But wait one second...before we continue among others, but every time you have to
age Mutant Ninja Turtles, or the Cabbage with the story, we should go back to the decide on something new, someone is
Patch Kids...and they especially wouldn’t very beginning. Al Khan began his profes- afraid of losing their job or their company
have heard of Pokémon. Life without sional life in a large warehouse as a sales- and they don’t want to take the risk. Despite
Pokémon? Unimaginable! man. While training in the different sec- the name change and a few adjustments
“And no one wanted it!,” Al says with the tions, he discovered the toy department to westernize it, no one wanted it. The
big smile of a little kid on his face, while and was hooked for life. Years later, as a television stations, all of them, said no.”
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