Page 26 - Hola_USA
P. 26
her to endless servings of caviar and vodka. Or
as she tells it laughing: “He took advantage of
my pain.” “Of course,” he answers, laughing
even more. And they got married on a theater
stage four years ago. Today they share every-
thing, even the company.
J: And my “great role” is that I make believe that
I’m an executive (ha, ha, ha) every time I have
a business meeting. I’m still surprised when
someone believes me! [She jokes].
Because now, in this new company that they
both own, as of this time they have accumulated
11 projects: children’s TV shows, an erotic
thriller (she wrote the screenplay), and a Broad-
way musical about name a few.
A: I like what I do so much that it’s not work for
me. Also, at this point in my life, I have fun
giving advice to whomever asks for it because
it comes naturally. Knowing what is going to
happen, what to do, is easy. That doesn’t mean
I’m always right.... That would be impossible!
But learning from your errors is very healthy.
J: It’s too bad he doesn’t want to open a toy shop
because it would be the best in the world, but…
you know how some women worry about their
husbands? He’s not home. Is he at the bar? With
another woman? In Al’s case, if he gets home
late, it’s because he’s in a toy store! n
Above: Decorated in white and gold tones, the master
bedroom—which along with the bathroom and clos-
ets, occupies the entire third floor—has spectacular
views of the city. The kitchen (right), with a partial glass
ceiling, has a terrace where Jillian loves to have break-
fast. Following page: Jillian, in an elegant black dress,
poses on the house’s top terrace, with a view of the
imposing Empire State Building in the background.
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