Page 24 - Hola_USA
P. 24
and…a new wife, the actress, writer, and
THE COUPLE’S NEW producer Jillian Crane, who tells the story
PRODUCTION COMPANY HAS of how they met for the first time:
11 PROJECTS: FROM AN EROTIC Jillian: I was living in Los Angeles. I had
THRILLER WRITTEN BY come to New York for a play that I was
JILLIAN TO A BROADWAY starring in. I was invited to a charity din-
MUSICAL ner and there was Al, casually seated at
my table. I thought he was charming, fun,
intelligent, and very interested in discov-
ering new things.
was on the cover of Time magazine as Al: I thought she was attractive, wonder-
“Person of the Year,” and even today the ful, and very smart, and it seemed like we
little character and its friends have gen- liked the same things. We saw each other
erated over 50 billion dollars. In fact, they several times. I read some of her writing
have just reinvented themselves with the and thought, “This girl knows what she’s
extraordinarily famous Pokémon Go. doing!” Then I discovered her heart of
“In reality nothing actually changes, it gold and how when she walks into a room
just reinvents itself. It’s the same but with she lights the whole place up.
a twist. The first Pokémon entered After trips to see each other and phone
through television and children’s shows, serenades (Al is almost a professional
and today’s through video-on-demand singer and knows the majority of Amer-
and tablets.” ican musicals by heart), one day, after
And just as Pokémon has reinvented Jillian’s grandmother died and after going
itself, so has Al with a new company (after with her to the temple, he took her to the
losing hundreds of millions of dollars in Russian Tea Room (because his ancestors
2008 in Lehman Brothers), a new home, were Russian). To cheer her up, he invited
Above, Al and Jillian, who married four years ago on a theater stage. Center, the art déco
dining room, with an 18th century Japanese silkscreen. Below, from left to right: Al’s main
living area, the dining table set for guests, an elevator connecting the home’s five floors.
22 H OL A. C O M