Page 23 - Hola_USA
P. 23

                       FOUR YEARS AGO ON THE
                        STAGE OF A THEATER. “
                      I THOUGHT,” JILLIAN SAYS,
                     “THAT IF I PLANNED IT LIKE A
                      THEATRICAL PRODUCTION, I
                     WOULDN’T BE AS NERVOUS”

                                                 Above, Alfred R. Khan and
                                                 his wife, the actress, writer,
                                                 and producer Jillian Crane,
                                                 welcomed us into their New
                                                 York home. Next to them, a
                                                 drawing of Pikachu, the
                                                 most famous Pokémon.
            So he did a syndication—in other     Opposite page, top: The liv-
          words, he went around selling Pokémon   ing room. On the terrace is
                                                 a 19th century stone foun-
          to about 200 local TV stations that, just   tain from a Long Island, NY,
          to be safe, scheduled the show for 6 a.m.  church. Below, Jillian’s of-
            “And suddenly they realized that, ac-  fice (the table belonged to
                                                 her grandmother).
          cording to the ratings, children were wak-
          ing up early in the morning to see and it
          had a larger audience than a program at
          4 in the afternoon. They rearranged their
          scheduled programming and from that
          point on, it was unstoppable.”
            It was so popular that, in 1999, Pikachu
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