Page 81 - Hola_USA
P. 81

protective. That’s obvious. Mom is simply...  Iglesias’ songs, which is your favorite?  jump. In Miami, we play tennis. We’re
      PRODUCTION, CRISTY MARRERO; STYLIST, CLAUDIA TORRES  RONDÓN; HAIR AND MAKE UP, ALEXA RODULFO     What do your parents think about this   And what about Enrique Iglesias’ songs?  best way to care for yourself. We like to
                                            Our favorite Julio Iglesias song. Hum-
                                                                              not very good, but we’re trying to get
          the best, and she makes sure everything
                                            mmm... “De niña a mujer.”
          is in order and that everything goes well.
                                                                              better. That’s the key. Staying active is
                                                                              what helps us stay in shape. That’s the
                                            Which is your favorite?  From Enrique,  spend a lot of time outside. We’re not the
          path that you’re starting on, in the world
                                            “Hero.” And all of them…. They’re all so  type who like to stay cooped up inside
          of modeling? They both want us to be
                                                                              watching television or playing video
          successful in what we set out to do. They’re
          proud of us.
                                                                                We eat everything. We don’t diet. We
                                            Do you practice any sports? How do you
                                            stay fit? Do you have to watch your diet?  simply try to have a healthy lifestyle. We
          We would guess that you listen to a lot
          of music in your house. Of all of Julio
                                            We really like to ride horses, ride and  eat a lot, but healthy.
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