Page 80 - Hola_USA
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like two magnets. We have a really good Who chooses your clothing? We choose Fernando García and Laura
relationship, although of course we some- our clothing. We prefer to go to stores to Kim—who spearhead
Oscar de la Renta’s creative
times argue, like everyone. see things up close and try them on. direction—opted for a
fresher and younger look
for their latest collection.
Victoria, what would you say about Cris- In the world of modeling, which model Who better to show off this
tina’s personality? Cristina is very fun are you most inspired by? We admire all new line than Victoria and
and outgoing. When you’re with her it’s of them, but especially Adriana Lima. We Cristina. The it girls picked
always a good time. Because we’re twins like how she is. She’s our neighbor in two outfits that coordinate
perfectly with their style.
we share a very special bond. We do every- Miami and her daughters are our friends. The first is a dress that
thing together; we have the same friends, People think that being a model is easy, snugs the waist, and the
we have fun doing the same things...we but it’s not. It requires a lot of hard work other a pencil skirt and
jacket, both made of white
are very similar. We have a great time and commitment. linen splattered with paint.
together and we’re never alone.
You also have to learn how to deal with
At the age of 16 you’re entering into the fame, wouldn’t you agree? You have to
fashion world with Oscar de la Renta, put fame to good use. It should be used
who was a very dear friend of your to help other people. From the time you
father’s. What do you remember about become famous, there are suddenly so
him? We remember him very fondly. We many ways to help. Fundraising, for exam-
called him “Tío Tope-Tope” because he ple, or creating your own foundation.
used to throw us in the air when he was
holding us, and then he would say tope, What causes are important to you? We
tope, tope, so that we would knock heads love animals. Ever since we were young,
with him, forehead to forehead. He was we’ve been rescuing abandoned or abused
very sweet, very fun. He made us laugh a animals. We have nine dogs, all strays or
lot. I’ll always remember when he came from an animal shelter. Five are in Miami,
home in his golf cart; it was a huge one one is in Punta Cana and three are in
that he had in Punta Cana, Dominican Spain. We found one in the ocean. We
Republic, and he rode around the were water skiing, and we saw what looked
grounds with my dad. like a coconut floating in the water. We
got closer and saw that it was a puppy. It
was four weeks old and was drowning in
“YOU HAVE TO PUT FAME TO the bay. We named him Coco. The last
GOOD USE. IT SHOULD BE USED one was rescued from a shelter in Málaga,
TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE. Spain. She had been there for over five
FROM THE TIME YOU BECOME months, and she’s a really good dog. Her
FAMOUS, THERE ARE name is Leila.
SUDDENLY SO MANY WAYS TO Our biggest concern is that there are
HELP” so many human beings who haven’t had
any opportunities in life. It’s a huge injus-
tice that we’ve talked about a lot. We were
We said goodbye to him three years ago, born into a life full of privileges and we’re
but his name is still among the most aware that we should try to help people go on forest excursions, we ride horses,
important brands in the world. Do you in our lives and be generous with people we go to the beach, we go out to eat...
like his style? We love it. Oscar de la Renta who haven’t had the opportunities that Spanish food is the best!
is the definition of good taste. It’s a very we’ve had and to help them.
elegant style with a lot of class. What quality do you value the most in
We know that you were homeschooled friends? We have a lot of friends. What
How do you usually dress? We have a and that you’ve traveled a lot and met a we value the most is loyalty. Your friends
casual style. But we also like to experiment lot of people. What’s your favorite place are always there for you, in good times
with clothes. Sometimes I’m comfortable in the world? Our home in Spain! We love and in bad. They never abandon you.
in jeans but other times it’s fun to wear the people, the culture, the sun.... It’s the
a pretty dress or go more elegant, depend- perfect summer! What are your parents like? Are they
ing on my mood. Our house is always full of friends; we protective, strict...? Dad is very strict and
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