Page 75 - Hola_USA
P. 75

altar boy. I have been fortunate, but I
          feel the pain of others. With everything
          that has happened in my island, so
          many 16- and 17-year old kids are not
          in school right now; in other words,
          they are in the streets, they are vulnera-
          ble. And if they want to return home,
          they don’t have a home. They are still
          in shelters.

          Your love for your country has always
          been evident. But now it has been proven
          more than ever. Yes, but it’s a little weird,
          because the day of the hurricane I was in
          denial: “It’s going to turn, it won’t get to
          us; we are alright….” And suddenly,   In between his charity work, this innate philanthropist stars with Édgar Ramírez and Darren
          silence. You can’t communicate with   Criss in the long-awaited TV series Versace, about the life and death of Gianni Versace.
                                               Ricky plays Antonio D’Amico, Versace’s partner of 15 years. He also shares scenes with the
          your family. We were in Las Vegas when   beautiful Penélope Cruz, who plays Donatella Versace.
          this happened, but my father and my
          brothers were in Puerto Rico. Others   career, and then the Mexico earthquake   of love for you. Let’s talk about your
          were with me in Las Vegas. And the only   happens at the same time as things are   wedding plans. I can tell you that I am
          thing I wanted to do was grab the next   happening in Puerto Rico, and you want   very much in love, more than ever. But
          flight and get to Puerto Rico, and hug   to split in two. And you want to go help   it’s difficult to imagine a wedding not
          my father and my brothers, and that   Mexico and you want to go help Puerto   on a beautiful beach in my beautiful
          wasn’t an option.                 Rico; they looked so weak. But we never   island. That’s why we’ll have to wait a
                                            lost the hope that we are going to be bet-  while. But it will be a big three-day
          How have you changed after all the things   ter, that we are going to be an example   party, maybe in several cities. Jwan’s
          you’ve seen? These tragedies touch you   for the region. It fell on us to be a case   family is Syrian and they can’t come to
          and you remember that you are another   study, but we are going to be able to set   the United States now. So maybe we’ll
          citizen, with the same pains and the same   an example for the rest of the region and   have a Caribbean wedding and an
          concerns and uncertainties. I went three  the United States.        European wedding. I will say out loud
          long days not knowing if my family was                              that I am in love with my fiancé and my
          dead or alive. Mexico was a cradle for my   On the other hand, 2017 has been full   sons as well. n

             All In, Ricky’s show in Las
             Vegas, brings together
             some of his most success-
             ful songs and celebrates
             his Puerto Rican essence.

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