Page 70 - Hola_USA
P. 70


                                                                                     Wearing the t-shirt
                                                                                     from his namesake
                                                                                   foundation, the singer
                                                                                     spent days greeting
                                                                                   and speaking with the
                                                                                       victims of Maria.

       Do you think celebrities have a duty to  What does solidarity mean to you? It
       do social work? A lot of people ask me  means to forget about yourself for a
       that. But look, with the power of conven-  moment and look at the person beside
       ing that music and acting give us, we  you and help them. I am an educator, I
       have to take advantage, and we need to  am an artist, I am creative, and I want
       talk about this type of thing. I know that  things now—especially when you see
       everybody has their problems and every-  someone suffering and you know you
       one says, “Look, I have enough problems  can help. Instant gratification, that’s
       at home to get involved in this.” But tak-  what we artists live for; that’s why we go
       ing action helps everyone involved—I  back onstage—because you sing, they
       am aiding someone in need, and also  clap, you feel so much…. My spiritual
       healing myself with the feeling that  mentor in Cambodia almost hit me
       comes from helping others.         when I told him I wanted to leave the
                                          entertainment world to save lives. He
       With so many commitments, your resi-  said: “Focus on changing one life; if you
       dence in Las Vegas (All In), the Versace  change one life, you have done a lot.”
       series filming (it premieres in January),
       your sons, your wedding plans…how do  Are Matteo and Valentino solidary chil-
       you prioritize your humanitarian work?  dren? In this home we talk about empa-
       There came a time when I said, “Look,  thy. It’s important for us to find out
       music is over”; music was the way to get  how others feel. And so when HOLA!
       to them. For the rest of my life I will  USA names me “Humanitarian of the   Ricky lived the onslaught of hurricane Maria
                                                                            in Puerto Rico like everyone else. He knew
       focus on saving lives and fundraising—  Year,” I say “Thank you very much.”   nothing about his brother or mother for seve-
       talk to governments. I took it upon  These tragedies will bring out many,   ral days. He was one of the first celebrities to
       myself to gather information and then  many heroes. There are many heroes   fly to the island with a humanitarian plane.
                                                                            Above, next to the mayor of San Juan,
       educate. I went to the United States Con-  out in the streets. And those who never   Carmen Yulín, touring the area to see the da-
       gress, I spoke about this matter, and laws  did anything are doing it now. We hit   mage. At press time Ricky has managed to
       have been strengthened; laws have been  rock-bottom hard. That was an awaken-  raise more than $4 million for Mexico and   OMAR CRUZ (4)
                                                                            Puerto Rico.
       created in many countries.         ing for many who simply hadn’t under-

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