Page 68 - Hola_USA
P. 68


             PUERTO RICO

       We are never prepared to see devasta-  about the slavery of a new era. We don’t  lives? How can I not? I’ve been doing
       tion in our country or any part of the   need to go as far as Dubai; we can find it  this for 14 years and I am still surprised
       world. Do you feel as if everything you   in New York, in Los Angeles. Until very  by all the testimonies I’ve heard. I sit
       have experienced throughout your   recently, New York had the highest inci-  with the victims and say: “Talk to me,
       career has desensitized you? You could   dence of human trafficking in the world.  tell me your story, what do you think is
       also become like a rock. It’s been 14   In other words, from New York they went  the solution.” To make a long story
       years of hard work with my foundation,   to Eastern Europe, supposedly to be  short, what we are dealing with today
       but it seems to me as if it was yesterday.  models. Or they are brought from East-  with the hurricanes [in Texas, Florida,
       We have done so much and at the same   ern Europe or the Midwest to New York  and Puerto Rico]—and I tell you this
       time I feel we haven’t done enough.   under the same pretense. What I want to  because I lived it in Thailand after the
                                          say is that we don’t need to go to Cambo-  tsunami, and in Haiti after the earth-
       It’s a very complicated subject, one   dia, we don’t need to go to Thailand, we  quake—is that traffickers take advan-
       that’s seldom talked about. It’s incredi-  don’t need to go far. It exists here, in this  tage of people’s vulnerabilities to com-
       ble that you wake up one day and with-  country, in powerful countries.   mit their crimes. Obviously, it happened
       out knowing it you have become an abo-                              in a case like Thailand, where so many
       litionist—because this is not a movement   In your humanitarian work, you have  children were orphaned. It’s a very dark
       I started—and suddenly I’m asked “ Are   focused on the children of the world.  thing, and that’s why everything is inter-  FLAG: ISTOCK; OMAR CRUZ (5)
       you an abolitionist?” We are talking   Do you feel a responsibility to save  connected—all the social problems.
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