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               OF THE YEAR 2017

               For more than three decades of work dedicated to eliminating human slavery, the Puerto Rican
               star has always been present during tough times, using his music to heal the pain of others. His
               commitment to his fellow human beings knows no boundaries, and his smile has become a beacon
               of hope for the thousands of victims of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, as well as earthquakes
               in Asia, Haiti, and Mexico. Today, we honor the most humanitarian man of the year
              H        aving a noble heart should not be newsworthy.   ers par excellence. Ricky has not only raised more than 4

                       Helping those who need it the most should not
                                                              million dollars for the victims through the Ricky Martin
                                                              Foundation; he’s also visited Puerto Rico and Mexico to
                       be a reason for celebration, but the norm. At
                       least, this is what Puerto Rican singer and actor
                                                              share with thousands of bereaving souls and comfort with
                       Ricky Martin believes. But 2017 has been a year
                                                              his music. At his beautiful—and very Zen!—home in Los
                       full of changes—earthquakes, hurricanes, and
                                                              meaning of the word solidarity; his need to help, to give;
                       fires have devastated thousands of homes and
               taken hundreds of lives in Mexico, Texas, Florida, Puerto   Angeles, we spoke with the darling of millions about the
                                                              the very important role his sons Matteo and Valentino play
               Rico, and Los Angeles. In response to this tragedy, many   in his humanitarian work; and how his fiancé Jwan Yosef
                                                              inspires him to be a better person.
               celebrities have shown up and even become first respond-

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