Page 63 - Hola_USA
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Lone Star
Liam Hemsworth is an anomaly in
Hollywood. That’s because the tall
Australian with the sparkling azure
eyes and a quiet, thoughtful manner
is not swayed by the roller coaster of
fame. The glitzy star-studded red car-
pets of Los Angeles and the swarms
of paparazzi always surrounding its
most famous denizens, a spectacle he
calls “insane,” are not for him.
Instead, the Melbourne native, 28,
is focused on one thing: growing as
an actor and having a career as
diverse and multifaceted as that of his
idols Heath Ledger and Leonardo Di
Caprio. The rising star has a plan to
accomplish this. “I’ve learned that the
actors who’ve had great success and
longevity in this business are the ones
who put their egos aside,” he’s said.
For this, he relies on the one thing
that keeps him grounded: his deep
Australian roots. Liam comes from a
working class background. His mother
is an English teacher and his father is
a retired social worker. Older brothers
Chris and Luke, who are also actors,
are an inspiration. “I come from a
really tight family and I think as long Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. These days he’s focused on his
as I have got that in my life, I will Even when his on-again-off-again rela- career, which promises to take off like
always be me,” says Liam, who grew tionship with Miley Cyrus became a rocket with two projects that high-
up in the Australian outback. The tabloid fodder, he remained curiously light his romantic charm, and action-
Hemsworths, one of only two white apart from it all and centered. How hero side. He just wrapped up the
families in an Aboriginal town, caught did he manage? “I don’t read or listen romcom Isn’t It Romantic, where he
buffalo, fixed fences, and ran the to the press. I base all my decisions on costars with fellow Aussie Rebel
community center, which also doubled what’s happening in front of me, and Wilson, and is currently filming the
as the post office and grocery store. I’m much happier by doing that,” says independent action thriller Killerman,
He grew up in close contact with Liam, who has created a private retreat playing a money launderer suffering
in his Malibu, CA, home that reminds
from amnesia after a freak accident
nature, surfing, and worked various
PATRICIA SCHLEIN/STAR MAX/GC IMAGES laying floors. “I worked hard and “I grew up by the beach, surfing, and personal life, Liam’s engaged to Miley
during a deal gone wrong. As for his
him of his carefree days in Australia.
jobs, from being a park ranger to
I’m much more conditioned to that sort
Cyrus and looks forward to getting
learned what’s important in life very
of lifestyle...I wanted to get back to the
married and having kids. For this lone
early on,” he admits.
star, the most important things in life
beach.” He finds that living far from
This prepared him for the onslaught
remain simple: “Work and family,
of fame that engulfed him after starring
the maddening crowds “is so much
man. That’s where it’s at.”
in The Hunger Games trilogy alongside
better” for his mind.
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