Page 64 - Hola_USA
P. 64


             ANA DE ARMAS
              An actress in charge

            Ana de Armas has a problem. The
            star of Bladerunner 2049, who shares
            the screen with Ryan Gosling and
            Harrison Ford, doesn’t care too much
            for fame and even less to be in the
            spotlight. “I don’t want to be the center
            of attention. Ever!” admits the 29-year-
            old Cuban actress.
              Still, after her star-making turn in the
            sequel to Bladerunner (1982), one of
            the most iconic films of all time, stardom
            appears to be practically inevitable.
            Critics have called her performance
            as Joi—a holographic companion who
            develops human feelings—as “elegant,
            nuanced and moving.” And it is obvious
            to anyone with eyes that Ana is among
            the sexiest and most beautiful actresses
            in Hollywood.                  Rose. Three years later she moved to   radar. This was followed by War Dogs
              So, what’s the upside to her fame?   Spain, furthering her film career and   and Overdrive. She is currently filming
            The main benefit is it brings her closer   began working in television. But   the action thriller Three Seconds with
            to her goal of changing the passive   despite the success she found in   Clive Owen and Rosemund Pike.
            image of women in films for a more   Europe, in 2014 she moved to Los   Close to her roots, the first thing
            authentic, complex, and dynamic one.   Angeles…without speaking a single   Ana did when she found out she had
            “I think women are very interesting. We   word of English. “Moving to Los Ange-  won the role of Joi was call her parents
            have a lot to say, and sometimes it’s   les was hard because I had an estab-  in Havana. “It’s hard to explain to
            frustrating that all the leading roles go   lished career in Spain. You have to   them how this all is, because you can’t
            to men,” she says. “I know it can look   forget your ego. Once again, I was   compare Hollywood to Cuba,” she
            as if I only play wives and girlfriends,   an unknown,” she says.  says. “I am ambitious in the best sense
            but they are not the type that stay wait-  De Armas immediately started study-  of the word and I’ve never wanted to
            ing at home. I wear the pants!”   ing English—“one small step at a time,”   settle if I believed that there’s more to
              Indeed, Ana has proved that she   as she remembers her father always   be accomplished…. But even I couldn’t
            does wear them, and very well, too.   saying—and became known in the   dream of anything like this.”
            At 14 she began studying in Havana’s   industry. The film Hands of Stone, where   Now that Hollywood has opened its
            National Theatre School, from where   she played the wife of boxer Roberto   doors to De Armas, the sky is the limit.
            she graduated after four years. At   “Mano de Piedra” Durán alongside   “I want to play as many different roles
            16 she made her first movie, Virgin   Robert De Niro put her in Hollywood’s   as I can. I want to do it all!”   RAY TAMARRA/GC IMAGES

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